Share Discussion Forum

11:06 16/03/2018

Bought at 399 to average down to 480p ... will be holding for the long haul ...

09:43 16/03/2018

Like I keep saying, if management continue to neglect the interests of their shareholders and operate in pig headed, deceptive manner the SP decline WILL continue. The market is NO LONGER buying into the same "jam tomorrow" that ends up as more dilution tomorrow, story. Change the game plan as TheWeeble articulates below, or this is a lost cause.

07:52 16/03/2018

Not a good idea to hold onto failing or failed shares. It's a better strategy sell them and put the money into something with more promise. Out with the old, in with the new. If its going nowhere whats the point of keeping it. I sold the dogs and bought sirius minerals SXX at .23 and theyre now at .28 and rising. L8ng term hold hoping for a big profit on this. Worth putting some pennies into imo dyor etc.

15:34 15/03/2018

Hi Breezy, I've been out all day and just got back in. This is really pitiful now, LC has done so much operational/engineering work on the ground over the last 2 years. I listened to the VOX thing for 5 mins yesterday and it was awful. CB sounds like some old lost soul and not a credible CEO/Chairman of a multi-million pound business. He needs to step aside as he's more damaging to the business in his current guise. I bought another £500 worth last week at 2.8 ish. I'm not buying any more now and prepared to just leave and forget about them. I bought AFC at 12p, sold at 17p and just bought back in with twice my holding when they fell to 10.8p. I'm going to trade in and out with these for a while and see what I can claw back. If the Kabwe thing drags on JLP will go back to 2p. If its sorted soon then it'll rise to 3.5-4p but who knows. Wishing you well my friend and good to hear from you. idg69

14:13 15/03/2018

Hi idg69 I can not believe we are back down to this level as in the last two years we have made great progress. Just had a listen to colin going on about jlp becoming a mid cap company i think he needs to have a look at the share price and he might realize that nobody believes him. Tempted to have a top up at this level as i do not think it will drop much lower.

13:03 15/03/2018

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13:03 15/03/2018

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19:03 14/03/2018

GFRD is about 50% of my portfolio bcos ive been averaging down. Risky I know and hope im right to have such confidence in the company. Im break even at about 11.40 now and quite happy to hold for the next 2 or 3 years at least and soak up the generous divis while waiting for an opportunity to sell at somewhere between 15 and 16. Does anyone know if the rights issue is for all investors or just the big manipulators?

18:52 14/03/2018

I agree you might be just a tad over diversified at 43 holdings and if your saying that GFRD is 14th largest at around 1k then dealing costs must seriously eating into your profits. I dont think theres enough hours in the day for me to keep check on 43 holdings. I think 10 or 12 would be my max but 8 or 9 more manageable.
