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11:22 19/03/2018

And the dismal slide continues, what a dog!! Not surprising since management have absolutely nothing of substance or real profits to present to shareholders and the market

11:10 19/03/2018

Oh dear 2.28, I need to stop looking at this. This is grim. Falling like a stone today, everyones got the jitters despite no news. What a waste of 3 years investing. Were almost back to July 2015.

10:08 19/03/2018

Two weeks until Q118 finishes. We all know the KSA trial will not be announced by then.

09:57 19/03/2018

Not the best of starts to the week. Will we go under 2p at some point? hard to imagine 12 months ago but if the BoD don't step up and get some good news out soon I think we will, sorry to say.

09:04 19/03/2018

SA government interfering in Hernic takeover bid process I'd run for the hills!!!

01:31 17/03/2018

$800 m worth of bonds contracted - $150 m more than target. That has to be a massive vote of confidence in TLW - SP has to re-rate from here surely??

17:19 16/03/2018

Breezy, Breezy, Breezy - you've been chomping on those brave pills again haven't you my friend! They say fortune favours the brave They also say a fool and his money are easily parted - let's plump for the first analogy shall we. I can't bring myself to put more in just yet. I've got £4k to put in my ISA before the month end and looking around for opportunities. I'm keen to spread my risk even though an averaging down opportunity present itself. Enjoy your weekend and let's see what next week brings - will the worm turn or keep burrowing? all the best idg69

16:47 16/03/2018

Brave move Breezy. I really hope the die hards get some just reward in the not too distant future. GLA

16:09 16/03/2018

Just bought another grands worth at 2.58. I must be mad.

15:43 16/03/2018

Woeful state of affairs - market cap of £29m 2.6p and falling. Is it in an opportunity to buy? or would that be madness? This drop is going to take a long time to come back from.
