Share Discussion Forum

15:44 19/03/2018

My guess it will be more of the same 'jam tomorrow " us long standing holders have been subjected to for over 10 years, then how gobsmacked they are about the tragic state of the SP. As far as CB' S addiction to placings, there is always another coming, the only question is when and how severe will the impact be on the SP

15:28 19/03/2018

I see this going back to sub 7p with the KSA trial not materialising.

14:00 19/03/2018

They had better have something worthwhile to say or the price will drop in further. The webcasts have never done us any favours in the past so why should they now. I don't mind LC though he's not great on camera but CB comes across vey second hand car salesman to me.

13:58 19/03/2018

Hi Breezy,

13:48 19/03/2018

Live webcast Thursday.

13:46 19/03/2018


13:03 19/03/2018

TOT..When the trial is not announced by Q118 will your next hunch be that Price Harry will announce the KSA trial at his wedding ?

12:16 19/03/2018

Should be an RNS about shareprice fall.

11:43 19/03/2018

Morning boys, why the XXXX didn't I just sell up at 100% profit this time last year and move on. What a state of affairs. I really thought JLP had finally turned a corner and were on their way. Even if Hernic and Kabwe come good for us I can't see people piling back in as the BoD have lost all credibility. I can't even bring myself to average down as I've done that before and it cost me nothing but pain. 25m market cap is so low I would have thought a predator would be circling to try and snap us up on the cheap. I'm off for an early lunch. Cheerio boys. idg69

11:34 19/03/2018

This is dismal and even at this price Leon is not buying any shares. From being 100% up i am now 22% down gutted.
