HSBC bank do not allow you to put AIM shares in an ISA.
@ paul1945: what's the point in selling now? Seems to me to be just locking in losses... also, how will you know when to get back in? You could miss a leap upwards and compound your aggregate loss in so doing, over the long term.
Excellent news this morning, let's see this back on a nice northern trajectory. What a difference a day made Twenty-four little hours Brought the sun and the flowers Where there used to be rain - well done LC.
Great news this morning should see us back to 3p today.
We have been witness to posters rehashing the numbers/estimating potential profits for years, to always be completely under impressed with the figures when presented. If this company ever digs itself out of its self inflicted quagmire, it won't be any day soon no matter how one tries to reinvent the numbers
TOT thinks MK is the new Messiah that's for sure.; I have never known a poster so deluded.
Mitsubishi is still running Hernic, so it looks like the deal to sell the South African charge chrome producer to Samancor Chrome must be in the offing." what does this actually mean?
The bottom line is KSA is finished and currently there are no projects. No doubt TOT must have the TROTS by now.
Morning Breezy, Hope you had a good Easter break. We are at a 2 year low so I really hope it doesn't get any worse. I wish I'd bought some SXX at 22p when I had the chance back in February instead of AFC. I'm in the red and fed up at the moment. I'm not putting any more into either AFC or JLP for the foreseeable future. Let's see what the new financial year brings. Good luck my friend. idg69
Lets hope April is a better month for jLP shareprice It can not get much worse.