Great post Symore and duknweve, Funky Gibbon Sounds to me that you may be suffering from water on the brain in your desperate attempts to short this stock!
Totally agree ATA, you can rehash the numbers till you blue in the face and argue to and fro about the upside potential but ultimately business is about proving sustainable net profits. The world is inundated with "jam tomorrow" thumbsucks
The Dec 18 AGM will be could last less than 5 mins.
Hello Mamms. I would be a lot more positive. Newgrange and Barryroe likely to be both drilled next year. No major move in share price before next year. 15-20 pence possible. Thereafter a rise into the drill date. Dont believe we will be waiting long after Barryroe drill results which may likely include increased reserves from jurassic before Exola is sold off for a hefty load of cash. Newgrange, Spanish point, Dunquin, dunmore, hook head, helvick, Avalon can all provide positive surprises. So expect heavy gains next year
Lets hope we have some news before the AGM in December.
...and the disappointment continues year after year. I accept LC is doing all he can to get this company out of the doldrums but he can't do it all alone. Why don't they get some hired help in a professional capacity and get this rolling. CB is the weak link in the chain from an outside investors perspective and needs to step down. Bring in a respected Chairman who the markets will sit up and listen to.
Back off my hols to find out we have had good news and the shareprice is down. Got a feeling we have another placing coming this week.Can not think of any other reason why we are going down. son
I very much doubt JGC will provide any business for QFI.