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12:03 02/05/2018

Get in(marsat) my son !!!

07:11 02/05/2018

RNS out

14:10 01/05/2018

JakNife ---Frr will be employing the same technology that has been deployed in so many US oil fields to make previously dormant oil flow. IMO they are not involved for the oil it's the gas that really will be the game changer for FRR. Can smell those shorts burning from here!!!

15:47 30/04/2018

Good to see TOT has stopped clutching at straws...perhaps he is chasing the Prince on a sandy beach..hissing myself laughing.

18:04 27/04/2018

Short interest in TLW now down to 3% - the bears have surely moved on from TLW now - suggests there is genuine support for the price around here?

08:25 27/04/2018

DDD well said, shareholder value is now long overdue

14:27 26/04/2018

TOT..At the AGM MK told everyone the KSA trial was starting in 2017.

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13:19 26/04/2018

Great post Symore and duknweve, Funky Gibbon Sounds to me that you may be suffering from water on the brain in your desperate attempts to short this stock!

07:26 26/04/2018

Totally agree ATA, you can rehash the numbers till you blue in the face and argue to and fro about the upside potential but ultimately business is about proving sustainable net profits. The world is inundated with "jam tomorrow" thumbsucks
