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00:05 13/06/2018

I’m just testing a few posts here....

00:04 13/06/2018

Anyone else here?

14:14 11/06/2018

That's been the quietest week in a year. iii seems to be working very poorly - at least it had a stringent verification process - this site seems to be much slacker. I'm hoping ToR and co will have a positive update Thursday.

10:10 11/06/2018

How do we access this new bulletin board ?

14:46 08/06/2018

Blessed are the patient for they shall recover their losses... kept the faith with this which duly plummeted after I bought some but glad I stuck with it (until the next nasty shock comes of course ...)

13:11 07/06/2018

Could not agree more.

12:21 06/06/2018

Patience....Hopefully we have our day

12:18 06/06/2018

Thanks idg69 agree there could be an upside but this Kabwe deal really has tested our pat

12:18 06/06/2018

Thanks idg69 agree there could be an upside but this Kabwe deal really has tested our pati

11:35 06/06/2018

Wiseguy - not sure it's a dog or associated with corrupt dealings. We need to see how this plays out in the long term. JLP could well end up owning all of BMRs Kabwe asset taking 100% of the profits to boot. Frustrating this is, and I understand your resentment, but let's see how this runs. wishing you well my friend. idg69
