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18:43 15/07/2018

Looking to see if i can find my old ii posts last here 12th March 2018 . have no idea how this has been since takeover.

18:35 15/07/2018

Re--Penhome posted this link .

15:24 10/07/2018


18:14 03/07/2018

Evening Breezy, I'm down across the board too. Plumped for AFC at 11p instead of RKH at 23p. AFC slipped to a 5 year low at 9p whilst RKH has gone on to 40p - unbelievable. My son now has more in his trust fund at 15 years old than I have at 48 years old. Thank goodness my pension is looked after by a professional as I'd be looking at becoming a rent boy in retirement - ha ha. You have to laugh or you'd cry. Getting in to bed with BMR and Hernic going into administration has caused this drop in my opinion. Wishing you well. idg69

15:35 03/07/2018

Colin Bird what happened to your mid cap for JLP.

15:30 03/07/2018

Hi idg69 Looks like we are heading for 2p unbelievably.I wonder if their is going to be another placing soon.All my stocks are in the red now and i am totally peed off.

15:23 03/07/2018

2.17 this afternoon - pitiful. Come on JLP do something and quick to stop this slide.

10:13 03/07/2018

2.28 this morning - this is absolutely dire. This company is streets ahead of where it was 2 years ago on all counts but still continues to fall back. I wish I had departed after the Tjate license news and never looked back. This is ridiculous, no other word for it.

15:38 29/06/2018

Roll on the winter! Still no news and the SP continues to fall back. I'm still highly positive about Plutus, but it's just going to take a lot longer than I originally thought. Will continue to hold though and may even top up.

10:34 29/06/2018

selling arms to argentina; should go the whole hog,sell/partner/farm in argie companies to sea lion...seems they are not as broke as PMO? all imho STRONG BUY
