Ft 100 2023 closing high 8000 in February, three lows since 17th March 7,335 , 7th July 7,256 , 19th August 7,262
8th July 2023 (B) 433,956 ( Por ) 695,493 ( debt ) -261,536 Day ) 630( Available ) 7,018 The new marker 569,767 beaten by 125,726 down 18,369 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -143,110 , a bad week.
Comparison of previous recent low weeks .
19th August 2023 (B) 416,774 ( Por ) 673,764 ( debt ) -256,989 (Day ) 304 ( Available ) 2,687 The new marker 553,802 beaten by 119,962 down 37,509 over the two weeks . The TOTAL IS A LOSS -140,082 which is a little better, 5000 out , 2,282 in ..
The last record TWO WEEKS ago 5th August 2023 (B) 458,287( Por ) 713,991 ( debt ) -255,703 (Day ) 2734 ( Available ) 18,151 The new marker 556,520 beaten by 157,471 down 2,918 on the two weeks The TOTAL IS A LOSS -102,532 which is a little better, 7,000 out , 1,753 in .
19th August 2023. All the french stuff on both BB .Moved here .The available again looking worrying at 2,687.
5th August 2023 (B) 458,287( Por ) 713,991 ( debt ) -255,703 (Day ) 2734 ( Available ) 18,151 The new marker 556,520 beaten by 157,471 down 2,918 on the two weeks The TOTAL IS A LOSS -102,532 which is a little better, 7,000 out , 1,753 in .
Below copy of record two weeks ago 22/7/23
22nd Jul 2023 8th July 2023 (B) 462,338 ( Por ) 722,156 ( debt ) -259,817 (Day ) 974 ( Available ) 20,390 The new marker 561,767 beaten by 160,389 up 34,663 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -103,728, Two week acc off Two good week