DTM Early Birds Forum

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


an itchy bull?

a close at current price would be a bit bullish on ichi

GKO looks well over sold, look at their profit v m cap in last set of results. Plus very bullish comments in Chairmans report for 2015

SELL: 5250000 units in Armadale Capital Plc at 0.0618 pence

few nice buys at gko


what price you in BKSA?

GKO a battered stock, could be at a low

BKSA lol Shows how board one can get in taking a very small punt on them !!

GKO worth a look, what does the chart say BAO ?