DTM Early Birds Forum

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


bought some more sav at 3.7

2nd RNS out at AMP

if that happens should be a nice retrace to buy into

10p predicted this week

Seeing as Im not in though I hope it just keeps going because I wont get back in now at this level

Grrrr - Its got to run out of steam pretty soon ?

cpx just keeps on going

good morning

OMI looks good on the chart from yesterday, has opened at 9.25 which looked even better, no takers at that price though yet

AMP may be worth a play, good looking RNS. Their shareholding in Motif currently worth £25M and only a £13M m'cap plus other investment ? DYOR

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For the DTM chaps.

DTM Early Birds is a discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014.

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