DTM Early Birds Forum

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


DCP putting a few extra £'s on my PF today at least its not all gloom

well i'm away most of the week, will try and look in and should be back online friday

great :|

continued bailouts looks like no solution... just hiding the gremlin in the closet for a few months until the debt becomes unserviceable again

looks like a new bailout deal, Greece gets to borrow even more money to help service its debts, in return for increased austerity. No debt relief.

hmm, well its a deal at least - good to hear they have negotiated a worse deal though?!

main markets seem to have had a positive reaction... my AIM dog stocks are still well in the red

question is whether greek parliament will vote in the new deal... media reports seem to think this new deal that Tsipras has struck, with all the BS of his referemndum etc, is actually a worse deal than what was on the table before.

unexciting stuff, maybe wednesday will be better?

morning bao... looks like another dull day