DTM Early Birds Forum

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


yeah OEX is a painful in in there but not FRR now - unfortunatley due to averaging down lots im stuck in SER at 80% paper loss

ROSE has been hammered to the ground...I think I will wait until xmas and make a decision then.. im happy to take a 50% loss total on my PF to build it back up slowly over a couple of years.

OEX for example...no idea whats guna get that out of a rut. FRR way under valued whens that guna rise etc etc

everything i have in aim now i view as long term...but with positive news the sp just remains or even gets worse....only good one i have faith in is MXO and thats stil speculative

wish i had stuck with some of those 250's

yeah...peeps saying aug 24 due to nuna needing to show accounts/ file for bankruptcy

they announced today extension until 18th Sept

thinking of selling some and taking large hits and moving back to long term on ftse250/100

me neither, waiting for WRN still!

yeah tell me about it. havnt made a trade this year