DTM Early Birds Forum

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


only funded till sept... thats a month away and then they need to raise cash.. dillution?

Directors are in at 25p, but all previous RNS indicated that this was a done deal ready to be closed... now they talk of the 'potential investor' pulling out.

Depends, I think it might be stagnant now for quite along time unless they have a Plan B that holds up and doesn't create too much dilution. I personally would leave it alone until they come up with something positive. Confined to my bottom drawer now !

buy in to the drop or IOG now a dead duck?

very dissappointing

just seen IOG

morning all... been tied up on conference call for work since before 8.

nice - not in there

Yep ACP looking good and Im loving AFPO

ACP ticking up again