DTM Early Birds Forum

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


What price do you think it will go up to?

MCAP is now cash in back amount should be a small bounce

MMm not great, taken a small punt for the bounce?

morning all - BLNX time to F** up now! - every share im doomed!

Wow - MAC Got in at 3 p this am and sold at 3.7 thinking id done well !!!! Well I had but when the rampers were saying 10p did I believe them - NO !! Grrr lol

Opec - Lets hope something happens [link]

HI Sand, a bit crazy at the moment, would be nice if it all settled down a bit, and I See Korea kicking off again to !

just catching up on market reports... Greece, China, Oil down again. not good reading.

i'm busy, out on the road with work... plus not much to chat about at the moment since the markets are so slow

Well I've never seen this Bb so quiet, 2 days without a post ! Don't blame you though, everyone probably hiding under a bush the way the FTSE is going