DTM Early Birds Forum

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


MMm not too sure, the value of the assets are far in excess of the SP (So they told us anyway!) and hopefully these accounts is a step to getting the house in order. Probably a bit optimistic but if you look at the funding they have up their sleeve to get rid of the debt and loose the winding up proceedings then its all looking allot healthier than before they were suspended

its for this reason i can see a mass sell off regardless of the results

they are comical

ST - STill holding my breath, where is it? lol

hmmm...they have let investers down so many times -so i dont have much confindence

IF the are true which I would be astonished if they wernt. I wonder if they release it at close so people can digest overnight and relist first think in the am?

although Pro is right it could go bananas on relist, IF they are true to their word on releasing accounts today ...tick tock!

dont hold ur breath on CLP guys

Snap lol BUT happy with it even if it take another 6 months for the price to recover

my PF well and truely oiled!