7p NAV counts for nothing
Talk about playing roulette today
THey have a large financing facility they can draw on announced in previous RNS's so hopefully that still stands
No idea, I need tor ead through the accounts in detail but when I briefly skimed through them last night wasn't the offer part cash and part shares? Probably want all cash and not trusting Italian shares ! This might be totally inaccurate as I haven't read them properly
PRO- talking of CLP going bust on LSE cant see it somehow, but why didnt they sell Mediaoplis at the first offer?
nothing is a bargain til i've not bought and it's gone up
Mmm so many bargains but are they really bargains short term ? That's the 64M dollar question
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DTM Early Birds is a discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014.
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