DTM Early Birds Forum

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.



ha yes me too! lol

Yes but if there isn't a buyer at fair value, there isn't a buyer or if the BOD couldn't meet the stipulations set in the offer then no deal. it will come eventually - so ive been telling myself for 2 or 3 years ! lol

im annoyed that they couldnt see through the Mediapolis deal

ST agree but really this is an asset play in my books although they do have the H&L fund and Sushi restaurants so really T/O wont show in our books but in our subsidiary books - Anyone I topped up some this morning as a short term punt and will hold the rest until in profit then im out PDQ

yeh there are some good bits some bad, what concerned me was T/O to June 14 was only 48,000 euros

Large drop in revenue due to the Hotel and Tour failure (ORH Spa)NAV of the company equivalent to 7p per share (700% up from where we are)Only 2 employees with running costs for 6 months of 180k EurosRejected 2 offers which were too low or had restricted conditions which the board couldn’t meet?? (wonder what they were)Looking for a buyer in 2015Invested in Hotel and Leisure Fund (H&L) in 2014 and streamlining that for sale in 2015 Good News Also quote ; “On 18 March 2014, the Company announced that it signed a £10 million equityline of credit for a period of two years, with GEM Global Yield Fund Limited("GEM"). The Company will also provide GEM with 11.5 million, five yearwarrants at a price of 4.4 pence per ordinary share.” Also suing the local Piemonte region for 34.5M Euro, probably a red herring but who knowsCant see anything bad in the accounts for 6 months to June so I guess its more patience required and see what pans out over the coming weeks with the SP if people buy it or sell it

Large drop in revenue due to the Hotel and Tour failure (ORH Spa)

CLP – From the half year report;