DTM Early Birds Forum

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DTM Early Birds is a custom discussion created by BuyBAO on 30 Jun 2014. You may be required to request membership in order to view this discussion.

For the DTM chaps.


morning all - Pro - yes Ipswich, shame we played our 2nd XI

bit of a blood bath today... everything seems to be getting hammered.

Amazing, really frustrated

SGI still sinking... must find some bottom feeders soon... hard to believe a prestigious and expanding company is worth less than it was in 2010

agreed, plans to start drilling this year means these contractor negotiations are advancing well and not just pie in the sky. Also some of the the contractors are named which is also good.

Best points for me ; ---- facilitate drilling later this year.----ALL service providers committed either to part-fund the well, defer payment or to provide loans to secure their participation

deadlines now further extended to December and some of the contractors onboard with the funding plan... I guess the contractors will be rewarded with some equity for their efforts (some hint of this in the RNS) - quite how that will happen is unclear... some dilution for regular holders I expect. However at least they have kept news coming and seem to have a sensible plan and targets. Most AIMers in this situation would of just gone to market silence leaving investors guessing.

Phewwww !!!! Such great news, hopefully back towards 20p when finalised

IOG making progress on their funding for Skipper

Ipswich ?