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Bantam Spirit 13 Mar 2015

Re: Drop I've had them on my watch list for a few months now and had a bit spare at the beginning of the week.It was either buy some of these which had the best potential out of my monitored shares...add some more EMED or EOG or apply for my box at Wembley for May 30th.I'll wait til early next week to make my decision on the box at Wembley ...he he

Boring Bernie 13 Mar 2015

Re: Drop Bantam - I've been thinking about topping back up ( I reduced quite a bit 12 months ago ) The results weren't exactly inspiring and were effectively zero growth but my wet finger in the air calcs told me to sit and wait to see if the sp dropped to below 120pGardeners points are all valid. The referral of the acquisition is a pain, but sh^t happens sometimes. Worst case scenario is it gets knocked back and we'll have spent time and money on something which we'll never own, but normally these things get the nod eventually, perhaps with some tweaking to keep the CMA happy.We're not the most exciting company in the world, but I think it's reasonably well ru

sharegardener 13 Mar 2015

Re: Drop Hi Bantam,I am also holding, currently about 10% down, imho they look oversold at present. But there are some concerns:1 The Agencyport Europe acquisition was referred for phase 2 investigation by the competition & markets Authority (CMA). XCH's position based on prior due dilligence is that things should be ok but the outcome wont be known till ?June.''The CMA has a function to obtain and review information relating to merger situations, and a duty to refer for a Phase 2 investigation any relevant merger situation where it believes that it is or may be the case that the merger has resulted or may be expected to result in a substantial lessening of competition in a UK market (often referred to as the "SLC" test). Following a reference for a Phase 2 investigation, the CMA conducts a more detailed analysis to determine whether: (i) there is a relevant merger situation falling within the UK merger control regime (i.e. it meets the turnover test or share of supply test); (ii) that relevant merger situation has resulted, or may be expected to result, in a substantial lessening of competition; and (iii) it should take action to remedy any substantial lessening of competition identified.''2 XCH has undergone a lot of recent change with no clear evidence (yet) of improved profitability3 slower than expected uptake of Xuber contracts4 JPMorgan have recently offloaded most of their 12M shares (RNS last week). There have been high volumes traded since 26/2/15.However, I took the recent purchase of 280,000 shares by their procurement director Chirag Shah as a positive sign. Also, the slides from the investor seminar last november show quite a wide spread of new ideas where there should be scope for further commercial development. Im hoping XCH will continue to progress over the coming years.Fingers crossed!SG

Bantam Spirit 12 Mar 2015

Drop Sorry about the drop below 130. It is all down to me buying into XCH on Tuesday. Never fails!Bantam...or is it?
