Interim Results and Trading Update Wishbone Gold08 Sep 2016 10:13:12Wishbone Gold PLCRNS Number : 3116JWishbone Gold PLC08 September 2016 8 September 2016 Wishbone Gold PlcWishbone Gold Plc / Index: AIM / Epic: WSBN / Sector: Natural ResourcesWishbone Gold PLC ("Wishbone Gold" or the "Company" Interim Results and Trading Update Interim Results Wishbone Gold Plc (the Company) has pleasure in announcing the interim results for the group to 30th June 2016. We remind shareholders that these are unaudited and based only on management accounts. The highlights are set out below. These results include Precious Metals International Ltd and Black Sand FZE for the first time from the acquisition date of 4th February 2016. The Company raised funding for the gold trading to commence at the beginning of June, therefore no gold trading results are included in these results. Trading Update Black Sand FZE has now signed supply agreements with companies in Peru, Ghana, Chile and Colombia. It normally takes around three to four months to integrate a company into the supply chain because gold trading is a highly regulated business and in the Wishbone group we are insistent that the entire supply chain complies with OECD guidelines on precious metals trading. Currently we are shipping gold from Ghana and Peru. We are on track to meet our year end target of shipping 100 kilos per week. In addition the Company has contracts under negotiation for further suppliers in the above and other countries. Proactive Investors One2One Presentation Chairman and CEO, Richard Poulden will be presenting at the Proactive Investors One2One Forum at 1900 on the 8th September at the Chesterfield Hotel, Mayfair, London. ENDS For further information, please contact: Wishbone Gold PlcRichard Poulden, Chairman and CEO Tel: +44 207 812 0645 Allenby CapitalNick Naylor / Nick Harriss / James Thomas Tel: +44 20 3328 5656 Damson CommunicationsAbigail Stuart-Menteth / Amelia Hubert Tel: +44 207 812 0645 Wishbone Gold PLC Consolidated Income Statement for the period from 1 January 2016 to30 June 2016Unaudited Six Months Ended 30 June 2016Unaudited Six Months Ended 30 June 2015AuditedYear Ended31 December 2015 $$$ Abortive acquisition costs-(97,997)(195,775) Administrative expenses(167,762)(361,600)(622,659) Operating loss(167,762)(459,597)(818,434) Impairment of investments(29,046)-(272,450) Foreign exchange gain31,429-- Finance cost(19,868)(10,401)(29,227) Loss on ordinary activities before taxation(185,247)(469,998)(1,120,111) Tax on loss on ordinary activities--- Loss for the financial year(185,247)(469,998)(1,120,111) Wishbone Gold PLC Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2016 Unaudited Six Months Ended 30 June 2016Unaudited Six Months Ended 30 June 2015AuditedYear Ended31 December 2015$$$Current assetsTrade and other receivables218,37636,82116,677Cash and cash equivalents417,874108,134263,741636,250144,955280,418Non-current assetsIntangible assets421,994406,901404,409Investments82,381384,53791,152504,375791,438495,331Total assets1,140,625936,393775,749Current liabilities375,8961,508,294200,661Capital and reserves
Further upside to come?? WSBN has been on steroids during the last 2 days - now 0.90p to buy!!!Contrast that with the 0.53p just 4 days ago, before Richard Poulden clarified there is no plan to issue more equity at this time!These points come to mind;# I should have made a larger top-up on 16th August!! But more importantly;# The half-year results are imminent - see dates below! And Richard Poulden has said he will give a Trading Update with that report.# The current price run-up is either in positive anticipation, following his "we are extremely pleased with the progress" comment!! OR# The Half-year statement and Poulden's comments are imminent and have leaked?? Timing of Half-year statement: I can't find any date on the company website for when the half-year results will be announced in 2016. But during the last 2 years these were issued on: 2015 on 28th August.2014 on 30th September.So I conclude we can probably expect a Trading Update between 28th August and 30th September. Tom Winnifrith has a short-term 1.00p target, but says that in his conversations with Richard Poulden, Richard says that is far too low - see below! Some may also recall that when TW first tipped WSBN, he referred to "others" having calculated/suggested a target price of 5p, two years out!! See TW's recent article here:" Right now there are, [almost] 1 billion shares in issue. If the earn out goes through then that becomes 1.24 billion. For that to happen Black Sand needs to be making $1 million profit implying PLC pre and post tax profits at current exchange rates of c£600,000. Put such a business on a PE of 20 - which one might do as the business plan implies rapid growth from the earn out level and you get an implied market cap of £12 million or c1p per share. The shares are now trading at 0.65-0.7p.Naturally there are operational risks so no-one would bet the ranch at this point, although Comrade Poulden reckons my valuation is far too low. He would say that, wouldn't he?But Wishbone seems to look as if it is very much on track. We bought the shares at 0.25p both for FIML and for my pension and have not sold a single one yet. At c1p we might top slice a few but we'd keep a material holding just in case Comrade Poulden is right about where the shares could go."GLTA NK.
Results of AGM RNS Press News button above to read. TH2
Going nicley WAB keeps ticking up well.We gain revenue through trading whatever the price of gold.pally
Re: Unsecured loan in place full RNS 6th June 2016 Wishbone Gold PlcWishbone Gold Plc / Index: AIM / Epic: WSBN / Sector: Natural ResourcesWishbone Gold PLC ("Wishbone Gold" or the "Company"Signing of Loan Facility Wishbone Gold Plc, the precious metals trading and exploration company, announces that it has agreed a two-year loan facility of US$3m from Sanderson Capital Partners (the "Facility"
to support its gold trading business and for general working capital. The terms of the Facility are that it can be drawn in multiples of US $100,000 at any time during the period of the facility and can be repaid at any time. It carries interest at 2% per annum and in addition 0.5% is payable on each trade of precious metals where the Facility is utilised either to support a letter of credit or in direct trading. The Facility expires on 6 June 2018 and is unsecured as long as no breach of the terms of the facility has occurred.. A 10% commitment fee is payable in ordinary shares of Wishbone. These shares will be issued at a price of 0.54 pence per ordinary share, being the closing mid-market price of the Company's shares on 3 June 2016. Application will be made to AIM for the admission of these 38,657,037 ordinary shares of 0.1p each in the Company (the "Commitment Fee Shares"
. Admission of the Commitment Fee Shares is expected to occur on 10 June 2016. Following the issue of the Commitment Fee Shares, and for the purposes of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, the Company's total issued share capital on Admission will consist of 1,038,647,401 Ordinary Shares. Richard Poulden, Chairman and CEO of Wishbone Gold Plc commented: "I believe this is an excellent deal for Wishbone. Sanderson have recognised the lower risk opportunity of the project with a low interest rate and other fees linked entirely to the success of our operations. Thus far we have traded gold in small volumes constrained by working capital and this enables us to move on the larger contracts, which we have in place. We will issue a trading update as soon as we are able to do so." ENDS
Re: Unsecured loan in place Note out this morning by SP Angel (taken from Research Tree) on the loan: Wishbone Gold the AIM listed metals trading and exploration company has agreed a two-year loan facility. The facility from Sanderson Capital partners is to support Wishbones gold trading facility. The facility carries an unusually low interest rate of 2%pa plus 0.5% on each trade of precious metals where the facility is utilised supporting a letter of credit or in direct trading. A much larger 10% commitment fee is payable in ordinary shares in Wishbone to Sanderson Capital partners better aligning Sanderson with shareholders
Note out this morning by SP Angel (taken off Research Tree): Wishbone Gold the AIM listed metals trading and exploration company has agreed a two-year loan facility. The facility from Sanderson Capital partners is to support Wishbone’s gold trading facility. The facility carries an unusually low interest rate of 2%pa plus 0.5% on each trade of precious metals where the facility is utilised supporting a letter of credit or in direct trading. A much larger 10% commitment fee is payable in ordinary shares in Wishbone to Sanderson Capital partners better aligning Sanderson with shareholders
Unsecured loan in place Excellent News! TH2
Re: What was said yesterday? Go to share prophets home page there is a link to the latest presentation material as presented at the Mining Capital Conference.
What was said yesterday? Richard Poulden presented yesterday at the Mining Capital Conference in London.Today the share price has "gone through the floor".Did anyone attend, and if so can they kindly Post a brief summary of what he said.I understand he's a "very smart operator", so something doesn't seem right! Can anyone shed any light please?Regards, NK.
Good to see Good to see some life over here lately. I'm not on the BBs much these days, but check in from time to time.Just topped up another 200K, but in my case that is averaging down as I took part in the IOP.Agree with Philwad, below, the plan has ever been for the existing management to actually mine gold. It is purely and exploration play and if they hit a exploitable deposit it will be sold.The latest acquisition is, in my view, to provide an income stream to further fund exploration.Lets hope we all get lucky.TH2
Dreams Up 36% this morning. My wet dreams have come true. But one suspects the s/p will trace back later today. AIM share price upticks are never sustainable. Just hope for a steady rise. 1 penny is where it should be.
Quiet board This board is very quiet. And the selling price is stuck at 0.25 p, with an uncomfortably large spread. Is anyone beginning to think that one man owning 41% of the shares may not always translate to a stellar share price performance going forward? Why isn't the s/p budging? I'd have thought it'd have been comfortably in the 0.60s by now, given the Dubai thing.
More Publicity [link] another article over on share prophets... but that WILL get rejected for some reason. So, Google it as it is a buy rec with some logic behind the statement.
Ere Tis [link]