ha ha ha ha ha CattyG the bitter GERS fan YAWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNN
wish i was Doug! hes holding 850,000 of WRN shares
Feb 5th next deadline
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lets hope so Ventura1
all hail to the mighty conglomerate, ten deals, wrn
Calou.....Wot needs to happen first??
Re: Why not ask for a 28 YEARS EXTENSION... I say again! Why not ask for a 28 YEARS EXTENSION ?(The strong sell is me being sarcastic)
Re: Why not ask for a 28 YEARS EXTENSION ? I say again! Why not ask for a 28 YEARS EXTENSION ?(The strong sell is me being sarcastic)
8th of Jan BUT wot year??
Nuna. [link] NunaMinerals will operate mines in the United StatesProfessions · 22. October 2015 · 102 am by Charlotte Holten-M · Tags: NunaMinerals If autonomy and the other shareholders are on the Nunaminerals resurrected from the ashes, as a debt free uk company with my interests in the United States.     It writes AG.In a negotiation blueprint for self-rule has the British company Greenland Mining management, GMM namely launched a rescue plan for the heavily indebted mining company Nunaminerals.The rescue plan is presented in the context of Nunaminerals annual accounts recently.In return for taking over 85 percent of the ownership will GMM inject 10 million kroner to Nunaminerals, writes AG on.GMM will also secure additional funding, so the company can survive for at least three years and pay most creditors.And then invested in mines and enterprises, in particular in the United States. Revenue from here should then be used to invest further in Greenland according to GMM-Consortium.READ ALSO NunaMinerals publishes annual reportNegotiated according to AG now ahead on paper from GMM in self-directed, where the President's departementchef, Søren Hald Møller, hoping for a solution to everyone's best with with Greenland Mining management at the helm.Søren Hald Møller, the AG says that autonomy has a loan of 4.5 million crowns, which the company owes to pay back as well as a shareholding.-And what to with them, are part of the discussions, says Søren Hald Møller, who did not want to comment further. According to AG, it is uncertain whether Inaatsisartut should take the oath if Nunaminerals must surpass to GMM.
Re: Hopefully something! [link] are standing in line at NunaMineralsProfessions · 2. december 2015 · 14:36 by Charlotte Holten-M, Dylan K Barely 50 large and small businesses and individuals have 40 million dollars out to swim with bankruptcy threatened NunaMinerals. It is clear from a list of, among others, the companies that have supplied services on credit.    Up to 50 individuals and companies have a total of nearly 40 million dollars out to swim in the bankruptcy threatened mining company, NunaMinerals.It shows a list of vendors from the British mining company, Greenland Mining management, who is about to take over NunaMinerals. And, consequently, the company's debt to creditors. Please also read the Newspaper: NunaMinerals will operate mines in the United States Ranging from law firms, Nukissiorfiit, Inu-IT and Mining Agency's Tank and here UloRengøring & Service, as have 27000 crowns out to swim:-We have cleaned offices and serviced seasonal workers during the summer for NunaMinerals, where there are a number of researchers and accomodation, says Director of Ulo Cleaning Rosa Andersen:-But bills that aren't being paid go hard out of us small businesses, she says. Please also read the GMM trying to save NunaMinerals Plan for creditors of receivablesThe British mining company Greenland Mining management, GMM with mining investor Patrick Newman in the lead has put a restructuring plan on the table.Here, it is apparent how GMM wants to take over NunaMinerals to get the company made viable again. In the plan are also included that the GMM will pay creditors, which have less than 100,000 kroner receivable with NunaMinerals all their money again here and now. While all those who have more than 100,000 kronr for good must accept that they first get the rest of their money-in addition to the first 100,000 kroner over a period of eight installments. But when it will happen, is not on the plan, explains Knud Østergaard: chartered accountant -There is no guarantee that the remaining eight installments actually comes to udebetaling. It depends of whether NunaMinerals on long term survives. But the plan that is created here gives the maximum chance of it happening, says Knud Østergaard.While the Greenland Bank has a secured lending on 11 million crowns, stands the largest creditors in the sausage end of vendors. They have such risky lending on total 17 million dollars that they stand to lose all their money. Green country Holding loses moneyThis also applies to the Palestinian-owned Green land Holding.Here is the prospect of getting a loan of just over four million crowns back nil, recognizes the Director in Greenland Holding, Karsten Habib:-As a starting point, so we consider them to be lost, says Karsten Høy.The final repayment of the money to the creditors must first be accepted by the Court in Greenland by a so-called arrangement with creditors. Here, creditors-including the judge-nod ' yes ' to the recovery plan, before NunaMinerals is finally rescued.Last week extended Court of Greenland the company's suspension of payments for the 21st century. December 2015 in order to give the work to get a handle on the NunaMinerals precisely its creditors.
its a shame dinghole, bloodaxe, et al still spout there bile - pathetic individuals - happy in a pack - lick wolves and hyenas
Re: Hopefully something! well we live in hope!