Statement by the CEO Doug Ware We are pleased to have been able to deliver on all the pipeline of deals that we announced at the time of the Company’s restoration of trading on the Market . As announced recently , we have a number of other transactions at va rying stages of negotiation and we hope to be able to announce further significant transactions soon. However , the purpose of this statement is to correct certain misinformation placed on various bulletin boards by anonymous posters. I joined the Company a fter the aborted pension fund transaction with Rangers and had no involvement with that decision. However, in my role as custodian of Worthington’s interests, and in order to maximise the recovery of value for Worthington, I demanded that I be added as a d irector of Law Financial to oversee Worthington's interests. That job has now been completed successfully as full control has been transferred to Worthington and Mr Whyte is no longer a director. In total I met Mr Whyte for no more than 15 minutes during t his period and had never met him previously . Since my involvement with the Company , as I am sure investors have realised , the position of the Company has been completely transformed and I am delighted by what we have been able to achieve . The enthusiasm o f our investors and deal partners is very encouraging and refreshing: it inspires the team to continue working very hard to match and exceed our shareholders expectations. As CEO I have a duty to protect the interests of our shareholders and so the recent attempts to denigrate the Company and its achievements are not something that I will tolerate. We would be grateful , therefore , if stakeholders can be as vigilant as possible in drawing to our attention any libellous comments. We have already instructed ou r lawyers to bring proceedings against the worst offenders. We are working to obtain the identities of these posters as soon as possible , by Court order if necessary. We would be grateful therefore if shareholders can forward the worst entries to us at info@worthingtongroup plc .com . We have delivered on all our promises to date and we will deliver on our promise to identify and take action against the se people . Finally I would like to thank our loyal shareh olders for their support and we continue to work exceptional ly hard to make being a Worthington shareholder as rewarding as possible . W e look forward with great enthusiasm to building this Company into a substantial organisation over the years ahead. To that end we expect to be announcing some senior appointments very soon. Doug Ware, 3 Oct 2014
RE.Frankfurt: Frankfurt is very though regulated. But the good Thing is when you have a dual listing that the shorties always have to worry in the homemarket that in the dual market somebody is squeezing them.
Selecting Frankfurt is certainly a wise decision. If your trading accounts are in Euro then it is the place to be. For Traders - Investors outside the £ you have to take the currency spread into consideration.
bouncing back to 150p by close and onwards next week
the investments they have far out strip the tiny MCAP
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