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08:59 22/12/2015

This is a bargain at this price. When funding news hits it will do a Zox. By the looks of the buying that news must be close

11:17 02/12/2015

Clontarf Energy and Petrel Resources – have reached agreement with the authorities in Ghana over a long-running dispute concerning lost licence acreage in the west African country.[link] .

14:31 27/11/2015

moving up again

11:46 27/11/2015

wow, this gw123 invested £50k into WRES ..

11:37 27/11/2015

consolidation in progress

09:10 27/11/2015

InvestorSoiree Contract with Ethio [link]

13:12 26/11/2015

looks at CNEL... still rising after a week RNS... it seems its a trend nowsday. WRES will have more coverage over next few days and more buying expected

13:04 26/11/2015

all those mobiles need tungston

12:49 26/11/2015

plent of legs on this baby

12:24 26/11/2015

go on son
