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gamesinvestor 07 Feb 2018

Re: added.. Ye, I'm only in at 12 and 13xx so my margin of safety is better, however, that's assuming it's not all over for the advertising industry and everyone is going to do it via social media, Google and Facebook lol !!Games -- will add some more at the open if it doesn't jump too high!

Yee Wo 06 Feb 2018

Re: added.. WPP's businesses themselves are at a Structural v Cyclical juncture in the eyes of the market. £12.27 strikes me as an excellent entry point, the dividend looks soundly covered compared to many others! WPP is 8% of my 22 stock portfolio. At £12.31 I'm at an XIRR of -22.76%. So as things stand a SP of circa £16 will be necessary to get me back into the Black!

gamesinvestor 06 Feb 2018

added.. some more at 1227pOh well - time will tell if this is sound as a decision or a daxm fool move in a market standing on a precipice ??Games -- WPP is now 1.19% of my wad.

Johandesilva 05 Feb 2018

Re: Top Picks for 2018? "So how are we looking after 1 month?"---Not very well. My US funds have not made up for these losses in UK PLC.Having a mixed portfolio is critical, many here including myself have a significant amount in UK PLC and we are down but in no way out.

Hardboy 01 Feb 2018

Re: Top Picks for 2018? So how are we looking after 1 month?My 10 are showing a very slight positive - up 0.34%. My stars have been Ultra & Johnson Matthey (with a nicely timed deal announcement) which are both up over 12%. Barratts are my biggest loser - down over 10% thanks to the leaked Government Research which hit house builders & financials - Imps are down nearly 9% & this baby (which we all believe in) is down 5.5%, thanks to some analysis of the advertising sector saying 2018 will be a tough year. However World Cup years are usually good ones for the sector, so we shall see.

Yee Wo 15 Jan 2018

Re: Bloomberg "He was asked if he thought large consultancies were a threat to his business"This must be making reference to Bain acquiring WPP's stake in Asatsu-DK. I'm glad WPP are out of an unhappy investment but I'm concerned the JV partner thought so-little of WPP's usefulness that they created the trouble they did.Last weeks Moneyweek was making, flippantly I'm sure, reference to one of the Tech Companies (Amazon, IIRC) acquiring WPP. It wasn't a deeply serious article but it did reiterate the point that unless SMS starts to get the SP moving pressure will keep building for something to be done.Disc. At £13.90 WPP is 7.4% of my 22 Share Portfolio. WPP has currently -15.25% of my invested capital and an XIRR of -14.19% since my first investment in 17 Aug 16.

gamesinvestor 10 Jan 2018

Portugal [link] seems high if they are still acquiring.Games

Hardboy 10 Jan 2018

Bloomberg Martin Sorrell was on Bloomberg last night. Always interesting to hear what he has to say; and he is impressive, with the figures he can roll off the top of his head about world economies, country GDP, & company worth stats.Overall he's very positive about the world economy in 2018. (That's the economy, not the stock market.) Barring the usual unforeseen geopolitical events, he thinks it will be a positive year, with the world economic situation fairly well aligned. As well as the big 2 economies - US & China - he felt some of the emerging markets were looking good too - Indonesia, Philippines, India, Latin America, South Africa - the main threat he saw was from cost control in a low inflation world. As for the advertising world, he was fairly positive - the big 7 tech giants would largely dictate where it was going, but he seemed to think WPP had good relationships with all of them. He was asked if he thought large consultancies were a threat to his business; as they seem to be going into the creative world. He was largely dismissive of that threat; but said they could have an effect on advertising spend. When they can't make money any other way (I'm paraphrasing him now - adding my own jaundiced slant) consultancies will sell cost cutting advice, and advertising is a great place for them to achieve savings without immediate effect on the bottom line. So overall he seemed positive on the world economy for 2018, and although there was little WPP specific, he seemed positive on the year ahead & very comfortable about WPP's position.

B.V 09 Jan 2018

Re: Top Picks for 2018? - My New Top Ten Hello everyone,Better late than never.Here are my top picks, I hold all of them:Aberdeen Asian Income Fund (AAIF)Anglo Asian MiningBarrattCentral Asia MetalsClipper LogisticsGreencoreKierPolo ResourcesSmith (DS)WhitbreadRegards,BVPs: Is there still no sign of LKH ?

Hardboy 08 Jan 2018

Re: Top Picks for 2018? As we're trying to look forward over the course of this year, here's an interesting article on Morningstar analysing what a Corbyn Government would mean for investors. Although this Government has 4 years to run in theory, it does not surprise me that they reckon there's a 50% chance of a Corbyn Government in the next 2 years. [link] as an indicator for the state of the UK economy H&T (UK's biggest pawnbroker) this morning reported their personal loans are up by over 90%. It will be interesting to see the other retailers reporting how Christmas was for them - specially for you guys backing that sector.

tikky 05 Jan 2018


gamesinvestor 03 Jan 2018

Re: Top Picks for 2018? Bit early to look at status so far, but what the -- why not :-1. Alliance Pharma +1.5%2. Daily Mail & GT +0.2%3. WPP (-0.65%) 4. Next +9.4% --- Profits upgrade over Christmas5. IDOX - 0%6. Card Factory +1.4%7. IG Group +6.2% -- Probably a realisation it's still too cheap8. ITV +3.1% - Hopefully a +ve trend9. Shire +1.4%10. Reckitt Benckinser - (3%)Games

Johandesilva 02 Jan 2018

Re: Top Picks for 2018? - My New Top Ten Hi allBill its your most ballsy stock picks and I am much aligned. I hold and maintain that these are the best...AA (cr -38%)Capita (-12%)WPP (+2%)...and waiting for my entry entry in Lloyds.While all these stocks may may have further to fall they also track Neil Woodfords funds that have performed terribly, but I believe now the risk reward ratio is strongly in favor of this strategy. Especially as the global economy is looking good. If by this time next year these stocks are still languishing I will probably give up and go back to funds.Last year I remained a critic of Stagecoach and I still don't see the profitability of buses .But you will be glad to know the AA had a look their strategy again with more focus on motoring products and a re-think on how IT will work going forward. I also think the investors are understanding the breakdown model better. Less breakdowns = good, electric cars at first will be costly for the AA but as they become more reliable than electric (not for many years) they will actually be good for the company and not the other way round.

Hardboy 02 Jan 2018

Re: Top Picks for 2018? - My New Top Ten Thanks Bill,On trusts, I use them when investing in overseas regions, where I haven't got the foggiest about individual companies, but think the region is on the way up. I also use it for sectors which can be complicated to monitor and analyse - like tech, already mentioned, and mining. When looking at the mining sector and choosing individual companies you have to start understanding the drivers on each mineral and the geopolitical risks of each area mined in etc. - Much rather leave that to the experts. I also believe a decent fund manager should always be able to beat the market, so I don't use ETFs for things like this. Where ETFs are good (IMHO) are for investing in commodities, and for shorting an index or commodity (not something I have ever done.) Good luck

Bill1703 02 Jan 2018

Re: Top Picks for 2018? - My New Top Ten "So that's my selection. I did make it before seeing Bill's so apologise for the commonality. I hold 9 of the 10. (I don't hold IMPs, as I have a longer term holding in BAT.) I'll try to post quarterly updates at least; but I won't update on every BB..."Some interesting and well-argued selections, Hardboy (I won't say "good" - as only time will tell!) And nothing wrong with a bit of commonality - though again, as for whether it is "great minds think alike" or "fools seldom differ" we will have to wait...Good use of trusts to give exposure to more 'specialist' areas of the market where stock selection is harder for most private punters - it's something I probably haven't done enough of over the years (other than a few funds of long standing) and I can see myself looking more at this area going forward.I did run my rule - and my ruminations - over SLA... Absolutely right way to be leaders rather than laggards when it comes to much-needed industry consolidation, and I suspect the savings and synergies will indeed be substantial. But even then, I worry about margins long-term for any stock with a heavy weighting in third-party asset management, particularly now with MiFid II upon us.The others I am more agnostic about, but I can see the case for each ...FWIW I have found the process of monitoring and sending round quarterly updates of my 2017 picks to be highly instructive - both in helping to understand where and why my thinking was right and (too often) wrong, and in the ongoing debate which such postings have facilitated. For me, anyway... though hopefully at least some others will have found some value in it!
