Re: Is this just someone trying to manipulate the share price to build a position before good news?
What is going on? Just topped up on limit buy under 10p - surely a raging buy with the mine constructed & operating, soon at full production. Buy and be patient.
Time to top up nice entry point for new comers
Re: someones having a laugh To clarify, it would be hedge funds, etc.. involved in shorting the stock and not the MMs themselves.
Re: someones having a laugh The world still needs tungsten. It may be that MMs are having a good old tree shaking in order to fulfil a large buy request OR shorting the stock in order to buy at a lower price. I see and hear nothing to alarm investors as the mine continues to produce concentrate and have ramped up the levels. The company has not told us the amount of tin it is recovering as a secondary product of the mine or indeed any other precious metals? The weather has been overly mild so far this winter and other than mechanical breakdowns the mine should be chuntering along quite nicely. HOLD
someones having a laugh 450K bought 150K sold down 13% go figure
It will be at least March before they start turning a profit as they are still effectively commisioning at the moment and arent yet at steady state production, once they hit full production they should be making a small profit.
all news positive All the news is positive.Good buys today far outnumbering the sells and still this goes down Who says the stock markey isnt corrupt.Only when they have a root and branch investigation into Bank and Stock market manipulation will the general public ever have the confidence to buy into this clearly rigged and corrupt shambles.
WRES another to watch is WRES. CEO target 3p as per webcast and awaiting licence news, JV already in discussion. can hopefully multibag soon
Tungsten The WLFE sp is now closing in on the price at which I had thought of buying back in, but a look at the graph for product prices gives little incentive to buy soon.Since May, in particular, Tungsten APT prices have been firmly downwards.GLA
Re: Can anyone advise me why Spin,Every trade involves a buy and a sell. While iii no longer shows trades classified as buy, sell or??, that was just linked to the LSE's official trade info, where the classification is based on the mid-point between the bid & offer prices. Those in themselves are purely indicative, and it is only when one party to a trade is a market-maker that that trade is "correctly" classified. I have frequently seen my own trades show up as a buy when I sold, or a sale when I bought. That is largely down to my brokers' traders, who quite enjoy getting the keenest prices, buying from willing sellers or selling to willing buyers. As a consequence, with a spread of say 15.75p/16.50p, I have have often bought at about 15.90p or sold at 16.35p. The other party gets a price a bit better than they would using an mm, while I get a somewhat better bargain.As to why the WLFE has been trending down a bit despite the mine starting production and now being officially open, I think that to a substantial extent that is due to general market malaise and worse for commodities. Clealy the completion of construction on schedule and within budget is good news in itself, but you will probably need to wait for the 2016 AR to get a better feel as to how production is translating into net income & cashflows.The interim accounts should provide a hint or two, but with full production not expected until "early 2016", even the 2016 AR may only include a month or 3 of full production, and not give a clear picture as to likely ongoing profits and cashflows.GLA
Re: been there PLYMOUTH'S £130million tungsten mine is now operational after miners dug out the first metal concentrates at the site.Metals development firm Wolf Minerals Limited will officially open the Drakelands open pit mine, at Hemerdon on the outskirts of Plymouth, later this month.But it is already producing tungsten, which means Wolf has realised its dream of building and operating the first new metal mine in Great Britain for 45 years.Wolf's managing director Russell Clark said: "As part of the commissioning process we have now produced tungsten concentrates to the required specification."Mr Clark said Wolf would now start shipping its first load of tungsten concentrates to Global Tungsten and Powders, based in Pennsylvania in the USA, and to Wolfram Bergbau und Hütten, based in Austria.The Hemerdon site is the world's third largest tungsten and tin resource.The mine will provide a secure supply of tungsten and valuable export revenue for the UK.With an estimated production of 5,000 tonnes per annum of tungsten concentrate and 1,000 tonnes of tin concentrate, the Drakelands Mine will be one of the world's most important tungsten mines, producing about 3.5 per cent of forecast world demand for tungsten in 2016.The Drakelands Mine is also expected to create about 200 jobs.Read more: [link] Follow us: @heraldnewslive on Twitter | theplymouthherald on Facebook
tungsten i know WLFE is much more advanced, but still worth watching WRES, another tungsten player in spain. sentiment is returning in WRES and someone is buying large stake as per RNS recently.
Re: been there Yes if your not happy with this share invest elsewhere
Pari passu Not sure what some of you are trying to indicate.My understanding is that all the ordinary shares rank pari passu,ie all receive equal treatment. If the company makes a profit theymay decide to distribute some of it by way of a dividend to whichall ordinary shares will participate. They may of course decide to spend it all on works of art for the board room, which would be another matter.If I am looking at this with 'rose tints' please advise me.TIA