Marksman Tip Dropped to a low of 232p on 11th October 2019 ( lydia ) Now recoved to 317p. Share Prophets might be taking profits … … There’s a Hole in My Bucket Company Could Stream Ahead on Climate Change BY MALCOLM STACEY Hello Share Prinkers. The more imaginative sci-fi fans among us claim that water is the gold of the future. It will become such a valuable commodity because it’s going to get much scarcer. And while this notion may seem fanciful, that some areas will become more drought-prone is borne out by present-day facts. Consider California and Australia, for example. One company which I brought to your attention last year should benefit hugely from growing
Marksman Tip Why does this Company not have a web site?
Marksman Tip WATR… XXXXX Well it started falling strait after almost down to 243p by 23 October then back up and down again , its now back up. Share Maiden is suggesting it now on that board appears to have good stockapeda score . Paul Scot writes about it but seems to say you can not profit buying the lows ?
Marksman Tip WATR… XXXXX Rising share which marksman thinks will keep going up. ( now 426 ) Others ekf , ekt, idea, kape, nmc, sct , sumo .
Amazon home insurance rumour If you google "amazon home insurance" (without quotes) you should get some relevant results, probably after a few irrelevant ones. Like: "Insurers' shares slip as Amazon home insurance rumoured". It seems to be based on an anonymous source. I think it's worth following, but I don't want to go into possibilities when the story isn't very definite.
Re: Help I said "a company that the CEO is involved with", but instead of "the CEO" I should have said the Executive Chairman, Patrick DeSouza, who I think has been running the company since the reverse takeover.
Re: Help Short answer: You got lucky!Qonnectis was used for a reverse takeover, the end result of which was Water Intelligence, with most of the operations consisting of American Leak Detection (ALD). In my opinion, that, and the results of good management, account for the share price rise.ALD is an old franchise. The conventional advantage of a franchise operation is that it's capital light. WATR isn't capital light, because they keep acquiring franchisees. They also made at least one other big (for their size) acquisition, a UK company that does work for water utilities. WATR have issued stock to raise capital, but they've done it at good prices. On at least one occasion, I think last year, they did it at a premium. Issuing stock at a big discount has seen many little AIM stocks slide and usually keep sliding for a long time. If I had a 500% gain, I'd sell half, just in case they started to issue stock at a big discount, though I'm not saying it's likely. You might want to think about that, but I don't mean to give advice, because I'm not sure it's legal, I could be wrong, and I don't know anything about you or your portfolio.The UK utility they acquired has apparently allowed WATR to spread the expertise through the organisation and increased the scope for servicing municipalities. Another success is a nationwide channel (in the US), which means insurance companies and property management firms can make a single deal to get nationwide coverage.I bought WATR last year, I think in August. I did loads of research after buying, but don't remember much of it now. One possible negative was the relation with a company that the CEO is involved with. I remember being satisfied that it was very unlikely to be a problem, but I can't recall why, and I can't be bothered to look for it in my overgrown notes. Since then I haven't done much research, just read the news, and forgotten it soon after.There's a possible reason to be wary of companies that go from a franchise model to being acquisitive. You might know about how Conviviality (which owned "Bargain Booze" had a quick demise, which, if I remember right, started started on a Friday when Investors Chronicle tipped them. When Conviviality floated, they were a franchise operation, and only became highly acquisitive when they weren't getting growth from franchising. I think the parallel with WATR is only superficial, but maybe that's just my opinion.
Help I have suddenly woken up to the fact that I still have a tiny holding of this from the old Qonnectis days, and showing a 500% gain !Can someone explain what happened ?Ta.
Share price rise The share price is up 22.9% since 20 Dec, probably due to news about partnering with Flo and Tagasauris, unless there's some other reason like a share tip. I'm hoping the rise isn't just because the news piece had the magic words "Artificial Intelligence" in it, because that's Tagasauris's tech, not WATR's. Any thoughts?
Re: Company doing OK I agree with what you say pharmaspecialist. When I read the Chairman's statement I thought it was long winded and rambling. I must admit at one stage I started to look for hidden bad news. As you say, the statement ought to be clear and concise. Having said that the results were good and the company appears to be delivering its strategy.
Company doing OK Is it just me or does anyone else think these results are badly written? For example the Chairman's statement starts "Our Interim Results support our priority of accelerating corporate development to gain visibility in the market as a multinational growth company that provides end-to-end solutions for the worldwide problem of water loss through leakage." That sentence is much too long and very awkwardly phrased. Water Intelligence, please get someone who can write press releases in a concise and easy to understand way. Wading through all the unecessary guff, it actually looks as though the company is doing OK which I guess is the main thing!
Progress since reverse As a long standing shareholder and supporter of the company, the shareprice has clearly demonstrated the vision and efforts. There are some on the BB who have been far from complimentary about certain directors. There have been many valid points and yes I have taken up many of those points with the board. Now PS has reduced their shareholdings below the magic 30% and with a dividend due shortly the company shares will be highly sought after. Astrognat: clearly you are from the days of QTI - do you have an up to date comment or have you now quit as a shareholder. Let's get the dividend on board, reduce these finance fees (the dividend will compensate this) and prepare to forge forward.
hi I agree but if they sell my shares l will just buy them back they cannot do anything about it up the workers power to the people tootings popular frond
Capital Reorganisation No news yet first court hearing on 8th?Utter garbage reason for removing small shareholders. The legal and administrative costs required for this process far outweigh multiple decades worth of registry costs. Plain reason is that all shareholders are to be wiped out leaving just one - Mr Chairman in my opinion.Talk about dividend.......haha. If we stopped DeSouza taking money over to this Plainshite parasite then one year perhaps. The only people who wont ever benefit are shareholders who still have not seen the placing price reached despite all the wind from the Boards mouths or other places judging by the RNS'sIf we had a board with decent NEDS then just perhaps.... but 2 decent ones resigned it seemed and perhaps they were the intelligent ones who had enough Bullcack.Just as things are settling down he has to interfere and create distrust. He is certainly a complete and utter Banker (said like a kid with fingers in mouth)Where are the year ends? Are we late again juggling figures?
Traction ... Solid trading results, shortage of shares, tightly held share base, strong prospects and a dividend just around the corner. Lack of broker coverage needs to be sorted and with this further rise expected.