New or latest Graphene news Finding the 'magic angle' to create a new superconductor Researchers at The Ohio State University, in collaboration with scientists around the world, have made a discovery that could provide new insights into how superconductors might move energy more efficiently to power homes, industries and vehicles.
Tuesday RNS- AGM & BIGT Statement Snap!
Tuesday RNS- AGM & BIGT Statement AGM report is as good as always. I’ve given up with understanding how SPs work. All mine are very blue at the moment but hopefully at some point there will be a turnaround
Tuesday RNS- AGM & BIGT Statement Versarien delivers quality-assured graphene-enhanced polymers to product designers
Tuesday RNS- AGM & BIGT Statement ToT - Thanks for the additional notes!
Tuesday RNS- AGM & BIGT Statement Still feeling RAF with this lurgy but now taking the opportunity to look at my notes to see if there is anything that others might have missed. Firstly, the video that NR introduced before the Q&A started. Hopefully this is now on the website somewhere, but basically NR ran us through the many benefits and uses of graphene, explaining that several customers they had been working with for a long time were now getting towards the end of extended product testing and making plans for roll out. He said we have only seen a glimpse of what is possible so far. In the Q&A he explained that initial trialling of the 30 tonne p.a. machine were now complete and they were deliberating whether to go for the big one or multiple smaller machines at different locations. On China he said that the strategy had not changed but the Chinese approach is very much top down, and they were no longer focusing on a single large factory. The structure is complex and Neill said that he would put up a slide on the website to explain it all. In answer to a question where someone asked if there was an issue with how BIGT values Versarien, NR gave a firm ‘No. We hold all the Aces, but on timing there is only so much we can do, and it is getting bigger as we go along’. In the USA Brian Berney is pursuing both self generated leads as well as those provided by Patrick who is currently focusing on his trial. The company is working with Pinnacle PR to enhance its profile. On cashflow NR said that the burden was ‘very low compared to what we are doing’ and that trading in the last quarter of the financial year was challenging but much better now. Someone asked about progress with the tyre manufacturers and DK said they had had orders from one of them and trials were ongoing with others. Another question was about being part of Aecom’s construction activities in the Middle East. NR said that Aecom had a number of different interests out there and VRS would be involved with some of them. Someone also asked about the oil and gas exploration use was still alive. He got a firm no to that and DK explained how testing was ongoing. That’s me done for today. I only got out of bed to watch the rugby but typed much of this whilst watching it. Good win for England but I’m supporting the team who normally play in red and can’t wait for our next game. Tot
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Tuesday RNS- AGM & BIGT Statement Hot toddys and Paracetamol works wonders ToT! Hope your better soon. Eyeson
Tuesday RNS- AGM & BIGT Statement Thanks ToT. Good post, interesting stuff. Hope you recover quickly from your lurgy. TP
Tuesday RNS- AGM & BIGT Statement Hi Eyeson, I’ve had a pretty rough day today so just catching up with things before I go to bed. I’ll try to respond more fully tomorrow if the lurgy is abating but I agree wholeheartedly with your post earlier and remain confident in the team’s ability to deliver something really special here. I would agree that Susan Bowen has probably clipped NR’s wings a little in terms of his use of social media and is a welcome addition to the board. In time I think Neill will step down from the Chairman’s role but not before he has some serious cash rolling into the coffers. Thanks for posting the picture. The T shirt was presented to Neill by a shareholder earlier and it made everyone laugh when he cracked a joke about it. However he kept his team standing during the whole of the extended Q&A, in which all participated, and I am sure they were glad to be able to sit down at the end. More tomorrow hopefully, Tot
Primary bid open placing @ 15p VRS… XXXX Just looked at a number of Primary Bid offers ( Dig offers ) this is the stand out winner . @ 18p and 15p … Did not realize GCM was one, that was not a good one at that time.
Tuesday RNS- AGM & BIGT Statement From yesterdays AGM! AGM BOD.jpg1600x1200 185 KB
Tuesday RNS- AGM & BIGT Statement Some further interesting points raised from another attendee at yesterdays AGM: " My personal observations and some insights from discussion with some of the directors and MW are as follows: Neill was more measured, but more assured than last year. He appeared a little disappointed with the numbers attending, but the numbers there were still extraordinary for an Aim listed company’s AGM. I was very impressed with the succinct input from Susan Bowen who clearly put her finger on the triple hat scenario Neill inhabits - Chairman, CEO, and biggest share holder. It would not surprise me to see a Non Executive Chairman arrive in the near term. My concerns over the change in Neill,s twitter habits were allayed somewhat. I Had feared a slow down in momentum was behind it, but Neill convinced me by his responses to the audience and on the podcast that this is not the case. I suspect Susan has had an influence on the twitter front. The China scenario was better than I had anticipated. It is clear HMG are very heavily engaged at many levels and VRS are being woven into the Sino Anglo future trading relattionship in a highly strategic way. I don’t know if anyone picked up the MW throw away during a bit of banter - “roll on next May†I suspect that is when his extension from DIT ends. I asked him how easy it will be to contain the growing number of provinces and agencies sufficiently to get implementation phases started. He said that had been why he was out there last week and he could now see the shape for implementation. I also asked him if BIGT were insisting on there 15% stake being finalised before operations started. He reassured me that was definately not the case, but added VRS wanted the two linked if possible to provide higher levels of working capital to fund the VRS participation at scale. I rate MW. This linked into the wider point NR made that while they had sufficient funds for the pre-roll out phase of their 5 key target areas from the excess raised at the time of the Gnanomat acquisition, they do not have the money to support roll out as an equal partner and an important part of commercialisation for them was partner capital investment and joint branding, including as much workshare as possible for VRS. It was clear these considerations were more important to the VRS BoD than where the share price was, as that would look after itself. From our perspective of course the share price is important, particularly for large holders where 10ks of £s are hanging on a 1p movement, and it is much more comfortable for us if the hope valua remains super-charged and our investment has a steady upward trajectory. This has been a major problem for me during the last 6 months and it was made worse by my feeling that momentum was slipping away. The latter concern was pretty well allayed today although timing of significant orders being announced were not obvious, I sense something on textiles, AECOM and China will occur before next May. I pick that as an arbitary point. NR and team are not waiting for this happen, they are working for this to happen. "
Tuesday RNS- AGM & BIGT Statement ToT…thanks for posting Shavians excellent write up it seems to cover it perfectly. As I wasn’t there myself I’ve had to rely on attendees write ups to fill in the spaces around yesterday mornings pre AGM RNS. Firstly glad to note that Special Resolution No 6 was passed giving the BoD an extra 15% shares for future leverage. Of course the biggy was always going to be BIGT. As Neill had often mentioned they would have liked to have seen it over the line in time for the AGM. With nothing forthcoming before the AGM apart from the RNS wording, I knew this would be well questioned. My perception is that it’s nearly there but not quite. The main reason being and noting Neill’s earlier podcast, is that it has simply got much bigger and Shavians write up (plus yesterdays RNS) seems to outline the enormity of just what they are dealing with wrt to the China negotiations, having morphed from a Provincial level to a National level! Patience is certainly needed but from what is being said (and noting Matts view from HMG perspective), I am encouraged. AECOM could also be huge (Concrete infusion – worldwide is massive!) if everything being discussed works through the testing processes. The Arch seems ready to go and just awaits a customer order into AECOM. Also the orders for textile innovation/processes sound as though they will come very soon. Would have liked to have had ‘hands on’ with the TEE Shirt – shame the label was removed!! Did you have a ‘feel’ ToT? I won’t go on but just to add I do feel very encouraged apart from being a little disappointed over the sp’s performance over the last few months or so. I sense that the lack of positive announcement around BIGT (plus collaborative orders in general) is factored in to the price now and hopefully it will stay around the 100p level until those orders materialise. I note that the ‘jam tomorrow’ naysayers are having a field day as usual but the Ith’s have to ride this out and be patient. Selling right now through lack of trust could in my view be a very big mistake! Would like to hear your overall view/feelings following the AGM ToT and also to say that I hope the lurgy has departed after a good nights kip – too much excitement for one day! Take care…Eyeson