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08:38 03/08/2016

Dear VOG investors. It really is worthwhile listening to people like Duffer and Saltyjack. They of all people, have their fingers on the pulse.

17:30 01/08/2016

Luckily for shareholders Foo is not running their pension schemes.

15:50 31/07/2016

Why is the independent committee taking so long to come up with a solution to FOO's royalties? Every day is costing pi's money. FOO must go he has a serious conflict of interest. All of the fund raising, bank loans pi's investments are all making money for FOO'S royalties. I'm absolutely seething with anger as I have lost 10s of thousands in his promises. No wonder all he wants to do is focus on Doula and stuff everything else......

09:54 30/07/2016

The punishing royalties and bonuses, alongside sky high salaries, will not help to draw in investors.

14:06 29/07/2016

Excessive salaries bonuses and royalties by greedy directors, stealing the shareholder dividends, is causing the shrinking share value.

08:42 29/07/2016

Another painful day in the land of Vog, guarantee FOO will be sitting down to a nice big dinner tonight.......

19:49 28/07/2016

Blank cheques given out to Board members including "The Boss" are an irritant with a languishing SP, but this fact alone would not be a reason to abandon ship for myself. My two greatest (investment) fears are the demise/collapse of Wall Street later this year, and the fear of hitting dry wells. A dry well could send VOG back to the Stone Age. Regarding VOG, the SP says it all. Tinkering with technicalities or getting bogged down in percentages is a futile exercise.

17:44 28/07/2016

Message to all shareholders, this company is a disaster run by a greedy buffoon who has destroyed any chance of shareholder returns to line his own pockets, it's that simple.

10:42 27/07/2016

CHL is a parasite company draining the potential growth and investor value from VOG.

18:40 26/07/2016

I left VOG a few months ago for greener pastures elsewhere, but still keep a tab on VOG from time-to-time. Now that the Q2 2016 results are out, Kevin Foo says that we should be rejoicing. But his jubilation has fallen on deaf ears in the Market, which has greeted the news with a drop in SP. I don't wish to decry the good work that VOG has carried out in the Cameroon, but there are still those 2 wells to spud and 6 months drilling to a depth of 3 km at a cost of US$ 40 million. If one or both wells fail to provide economically viable amounts of hydrocarbons, then investors should run for cover. Press the panic button. Before the drilling phase is completed, investors are more than likely to feel the chill winds of a serious economic meltdown in the US and may be forced sellers for reasons nothing to do with VOG. Finally, Chairman Foo should be able to rationalise Board Remuneration with SP, so his position is robust.
