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sporty investor 06 Aug 2015

Final dividend As per one broker's website final dividend of 40 cents per share to be paid on 12th August. Is this info correct? Does the financial status of this company good enough to spend nearly 120 million dollars as dividend payment?

Captain Hornblower 07 Jul 2015

Re: BIZAARE Make that Cairn!

Captain Hornblower 07 Jul 2015

Re: BIZAARE Doubts whether Cain merger will be given green light have a bearing too.

onedb1 06 Jul 2015

Re: BIZAARE ehm Linton , have you seen both Copper and Oil prices ? Economy may be booming but commodities have taken a beating . Copper was at 330 when I was trading these closer to $1000 as well as oil in the $90s , now its more like $250s and $58/59 for Brent . )

LINTON5 06 Jul 2015

BIZAARE How is it the BSE Indian stock market is near all time highs this company is Indian based and owned and multi commodity in a booming economy, and the share price is DISMAL. Answers on a post card long term shareholders please

PilotPaul 18 Mar 2015

Just got in at 399. Surely that's the bottom?

PilotPaul 18 Mar 2015

Long auction!
