Re: Its a bumpy old ride Looking at the numbers I notice EPS is half of that of same period last year .New product role out does not mean they have orders for it then, its just rolled out as available to clients if they want to upgrade?I am holding but fearful of jumping into such a vicious down trend However It might well be over sold ?
Re: Its a bumpy old ride I think it's because their results were heavily weighted towards them securing a small number of very large contracts which they don't appear to have done so they may warn this year.I have bought in bearing this in mind because I think it's a good company and will recover so if they do warn I will buy some more at an even lower price.
Its a bumpy old ride Well new products being rolled out a good solid balance sheet but the price decline is a little unsettling. Is there something they are not telling us ?
Bought in Hi allI bought a few of these today as I feel that they are cheap on historic earnings but do wonder whether they are going to warn this year due to failure to sign their large contracts.If they do and the price falls substantially then I will buy some more because I think next year should be a lot better.The balance sheet is rock solid so no danger of them going broke.
New Systems Roll out to big groups The systems roll out is to some serious players, so we may look forward to a bright future after all the uncertainty. Well done Universe, you have delivered the promise.Now we await the effect on the bottom line.and the share price to climb back over the 200 day 11p will do nicely as a start...
Re: Sold Well good old sod and his law are alive and well.Just when you have hung on and hung on and on and you cut your position what happens?Volume goes up and the price starts to move This looks like it could be a significant step up..........?
Sold YesterdayToo slow for meBye folksTP
Nice to see We're back into double figures at last !TP
5 Year Chart The 200 day moving average is not looking very healthy ..We are in need of an update.. Who is now in Billy,s shoes and how is the business performing. Are margins being maintained and how is the business developing. How will Brexit affect things .What is going on?
Billy Tank Good Guy.Having to step aside because of a Medical problem .A great pitty, poor chap We wish you all the best Billy. Get well soon
Re: Interims Sorry, uptick was Friday !Doh ! Still early, Monday morning.
Re: Interims Good plan if it works : -))At the last count I had 38 in my portfolio.A bit skewed to oil and gas exploration but with a few tech, financial and healthcare sprinkled on top.Overall, slightly in profit but with a few dogs dragging it down.38 is far too many so I ought to do some weeding, but which ones ? No good taking out the dogs because they may come good one day, or may be useful to write off against cg. No good taking out the performers cos they are making money.Just have to keep working at it.Good luckTP(UNG is staying.....for now...nice up tick this morning, taking us back to where we were a week ago!!)
Re: Interims Hello Prior,Good morning to you.A good and valid point.I have also burnt lots of hard earned money on sure fire get rich quick stocks .To the extent that I will not need to pay gains tax for many years.I see that someone has been mopping up stock on Friday.I would like to think that it may well be Directors.If we have news of insider buying at this level then the prospects for a good return may well be realistic.Both these companies have been in my Portfolio for some time and I have endured the Roller coaster ride with both of them.I do not like Roller Coasters one little bitThe benefits of a diverse Portfolio ???.A diamond miner and a credit card company called Card clear, Both went almost to the brink of extinction at about the same time!Yes I have been a UNG holder for that long.Did take some profits from Card clear. I have watched my investment in both FDI and UNG arise phoenix like from the edge of the grave.Both companies are now doing well and it would be nice to raise my investment in both.So divide the money between the two or put it into FDI for a short term gain when production is achieved and then then Put some of it into UNG.Will FDi suffer profit taking on the News ,who knows what will happen.External world affairs may alter the entire playing field.
Re: Interims Sounds like a play between high risk, high reward vs steady single digit growth.I think I've got a few too many of the first group (to my cost !), so I'm trying to get a bit of stability back into my portfolio.UNG has the potential to double in the next year or two and as such is less risky.Good luck with your Firestone investment, if you choose that path.TP
Re: Interims Prior I would like to believe the story.I have to choose at the moment between investing a further £5000 into UNG or Firestone Diamonds. My Investment in Lucara Diamonds has given me a return of 5x my original stake.Firestone is to put it simply ,Lucara as it was 3 years ago.Lucara has just paid me a dividend of $5000 CAD.I believe through careful research and 10 years of involvement with these diamond miners that Firestone will repeat the Lucara chart almost exactly.So given this Scenario where would you put your money ?This is not a ramp . I have no need to push these shares There are millions in issue and a few thousand here or there will make not the slightest impact on the price.Investment is deciding in a given time frame between stocks which are most likely to give us a sure return. What will you do with your £5000 ?