Unilever Live Discussion

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axolotl 15 Jun 2018

Unilever Might Be Leaving FTSE 100 index tracker’s? plumit? a long decent? duh! mind you I’d rather have a long decent than a short indecent

MartinDrew 14 Jun 2018

Unilever Might Be Leaving FTSE 100 I’d see it as a buying opportunity if the price drops. it is such a global business that I suspect there are plenty of investors around the world who will buy if the price drops much.

72_fastback 14 Jun 2018

For all you LKH seekers I should add it was on ‘Markets Live’. It’s a good blog anyway and worth a read.

devonplay 14 Jun 2018

Unilever Might Be Leaving FTSE 100 Give the growth prospects, 4% isn’t enought to tempt me. DL

shareordie 14 Jun 2018

Unilever Might Be Leaving FTSE 100 I would imagine a long decent in share price followed by some shorting action, it’s still hard to believe this ceo is prepared to make a political statement at the expense of shareholders. In fact it could be illegal, I can’t see it going ahead with no shareholder action /problems.
