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sunny35 21 Mar 2018

Strange Most seem to have resigned to accepting this round of BB has failed, although there hasn't been any educated explanation of activity yesterday with two cranes inserting a heavy pipe.Strangely the SP is not tanking just drifting.Don't know what to make of it.

camperdown 21 Mar 2018

alba recruitment of oil and gas specialist should give an independent opinion of future ukog news, as it is also in their interest.

danpoe 21 Mar 2018

FFS What the **** is going on with the sp,another company where i lose £ thousands,like others no doubt. .

Ivenhoe 20 Mar 2018

Re: RSPCA IMHO there's life in the old dog yet!Too early to put the dog down. Those that do could be in for a huge disappointment.

admiralty12 19 Mar 2018

RSPCA Can someone call them and put this dog out of it's misery please.

sunny35 18 Mar 2018

Worst case scenario ATM can't figure out what's going on, still like to think there is a nice surprise coming for holders, but nobody seems to be saying that any more with confidence, [don't know what's being said on the closed twitter groups].Worst case scenario, we are about to receive bad news that SS was badly mistaken on his early announcements, and he's been trying every trick money can buy to get this to flow to no avail, and simultaneously pushed things out to cushion the blow with HH prospects.This state of affairs wouldn't do much for his reputation, but could do something for the SP after the initial drop.With that being worst case scenario, I think its still worth holding, just in case.......and what was that twitter photo about, just to take the micky????

camperdown 16 Mar 2018

if SS had a card to play my guess is that he would play it today, being witching day.still time left,imho

armagain 15 Mar 2018

patience [link] to Lokash/lse

GRAMPSAV 15 Mar 2018

Twitter feed Posted by fool on the hill. #ukog # Broadfordbridge as stated by SS is in Tight Hole Status. No information is being shared with anyone except testing team and Schlumberger . Swampys and shorts don't like it . Tough. Now there struggling to find exuces to post negatives. Resorting to lies. They Know FA!

BarmyOwl 14 Mar 2018

Re: Corporate Governance opinions and waffle - best place is bin

hopetown 14 Mar 2018

Corporate Governance Courtesy of MrKnowitall on LSE."Corporate GovernancePreviously I've complained about the weakness of corporate governance within this company. PI's have been perpetually kept in the dark. (The FCA should be called to account on this issue too.) For instance, how come the French built up a disclosable stake, then went into reverse and became sellers? Where did they obtain their information from to prompt them to divest at critically a higher price than the current one? No company announcements were made around the French's change of heart. For a bloke to boast initially about smelling and touching oil in a way that suggested "easy street" ahead, SS's prolonged silence, even now to this day, is unpalatable. Nevermind "Flagship to be Broadford Bridge, " Blackbeard The Pirate, SS, should consider resigning before an uncomfortable AGM lies ahead for him. Every month that he can draw on his handsome salary is a stay of execution for him. So wasn't this recent BB extension work permission for another month of bloated salary, at our expense, manna from heaven for him? Expect more waffle ahead from Blackbeard. The only bullish thing I can say is that the shorters have largely disappeared. I live in hope."

sunny35 13 Mar 2018

One of two options Over on LSE there seem to be two camps, either SS is pushing off admitting failure at BB until HH comes through, or he is about to announce something spectacular at BB.Personally am of the opinion if option 1 came to pass, SS would look pretty silly, and no HH success would cover up for that.A BB failure .will go down as his personal failure, whereas an HH success will be credited to the umbrella vehicle operating HHL?

GRAMPSAV 12 Mar 2018

Twitter feed. Fool on the hill says. #ukog #Horsehill delivery and dumper truck and digger hard at work. Rig soon?

admiralty12 11 Mar 2018

Sidetrack TW has posted on Shareprofits that a letter to the local council asking if UKOG have permission to drill a further sidetrack. The answer was, apparently, a definative no.This dog is rapidly becoming rabid if this is the case. I am getting the feeling this share is being propped up by no news until the inside investors have time to scramble out.

QuelFromage 09 Mar 2018

Re: The great deluded! O/T I've found this now article now. It's from the Sunday Times, nearly 4 years ago (Sep 21 2014) but behind the pay barrier now, although if you register you can get one free article a day or week or something like that.[link] the final para says:"San Leon seems to have got the message. The board recently agreed to change Fanning’s pay so that 80% is in shares rather than cash."So, don't believe what you read on a BB. And don't interpret this as indicating that I am a fan of OF!QF
