Re: Looks like Game over LOL, you removed your post, You clearly had no answer and couldn't take the shame:-P
Re: Looks like Game over OOH! A dig and a boast to other investors, I'm sure you have made some of the less fortunate PI's feel most comforted that you can afford to take it on the chin when losing money, but some people get very upset by this, and find it hard to move on with their loss even after many years, no names mentioned,lolAnd with it you bring boasting of your infinite wisdom that implies that you had the knowledge/foresight that could have saved people money loss, and yet you were too selfish to share it with others,yet your last post was 2013 so you have been keeping an eye on this for quite some time.Maybe to show that your not just that typical wolly that likes to say "I told you so" which you clearly did not.Maybe you would like to share with us all exactly what went wrong with the sand project, and don't forget to tell us all about Bluemax involvement there's a good chap.
Shares are never forced upon you.. Nm
Re: Looks like Game over This has been death by a thousand cuts - the outcome has been obvious to all except those too blind to see.So long ago that I can't remember what I initially invested in - thank god I could afford the loss!!
Re: Looks like Game over .... to fill their own pockets at the expense of shareholders!
Re: Looks like Game over They no doubt did their best...
Re: Looks like Game over NOTICE TRICOR PLC 04/10/2017 70am NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF ADMISSION TO TRADING ON AIM Trading on AIM for the under-mentioned securities has been cancelled from 04/10/2017 7
0am, pursuant to AIM Rule 41. ORDINARY SHARES OF 0.001P EACH, FULLY PAID (B79BCZ1)(GB00B79BCZ12) If you have any queries or require further information, please contact the company's nominated adviser on 0203 328 5656.
Re: Looks like Game over A good maths conclusion, many thanks for your straight and sincere and full answer. Thanks again...
Re: Looks like Game over I would think around the 4th October, as suggested in the following extracts.The Company's shares were due to be suspended on 4 April 2017 pursuant to AIM rule 15. If trading in the Company's shares remains suspended for a period of six months then trading in the Company's shares on AIM will be cancelled, pursuant to AIM Rule 41.
Re: Looks like Game over So what will the very latest date be, prior to being cancelled? Thanks...
Looks like Game over Company updateFurther to its announcements on 3 October 2016, 3 April 2017 and 4 April 2017, the Company provides the following update.The Company's shares were suspended on 3 April 2017 due to the resignation of two non-executive Directors. The Company will not be appointing any new directors prior to the date on which trading in the Company's shares on AIM will be cancelled.The Company's shares were due to be suspended on 4 April 2017 pursuant to AIM rule 15. The Company will not be able to make an acquisition or acquisitions which constitute a reverse takeover under AIM rule 14 nor will it be able to seek re-admission as an investing company with the attendant requirement of raising at least £6 million prior to the date on which trading in the Company's shares on AIM will be cancelled.If trading in the Company's shares remains suspended for a period of six months then trading in the Company's shares on AIM will be cancelled, pursuant to AIM Rule 41. The Company also announces that it will not be in a position to publish and post its report and accounts for the 15-month period from 1 April 2016 to 30 June 2017 by 30 September 2017.
Re: Company update Any news on the grapevine?
Re: Any info Sugar??? Hi ClockworkSorry I have been busy lately, I have not seen anything new for ages,But I can only assume that the deadline is 6 months from the 4th April which is 4th Oct 2017 as stated in the paragraph below, also with the black sand project being passed over to the other company , theres not a lot of discussions to be made either really, I know Tricor should get a percentage from the project if and when the other company start making money, but they dont have the license to start production either as far as I know.The Company did not meet these requirements and therefore trading in the Company's shares was scheduled to be suspended on 4 April 2017.Pursuant to AIM Rule 15, within six months of becoming an AIM cash shell, the Company must make an acquisition or acquisitions which constitute a reverse takeover under AIM Rule 14. If trading in the Company's shares remains suspended for a period of six months then trading in the Company's shares on AIM will be cancelled, pursuant to AIM Rule 41.
Re: Company update Do you have news???