Tribal Group Live Discussion

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Welsheagle 14 Mar 2018

Tipped in Techinvest Tribal tipped in Techinvest this month

Nottingham82 23 Mar 2016

Tribe got new chief with skin in the game a decent analysis on whether is worth it participating into the rights issue: [link]

sharebuyer 21 Oct 2015

The story of The Big Cheeses and the cheese makers Well here is a story as old as man and one of his favourite pets, Greed. Once upon a time there was a Big Cheese and he had to make his power real and so he brought in more big cheeses that he knew and liked. Rather than listen to the smaller cheeses who knew the business, the big cheeses just knew that they had all the answers, they must do because they were the big cheeses. (Big Cheeses are most interested in their own aroma and wellbeing and so ignore the needs of the smaller cheeses and most importantly the actual cheese makers.)The Big Cheeses fattened themselves up, bringing in more big cheeses they knew, who would agree with them and add to the fat around the top table. All the time missing the basics of the cheese plant and instead of supporting the cheese makers they drafted in rules and constraints that just made cheese making harder. The big cheeses drove out loyalty, commitment and effort from the cheese factory by how they behaved, they blamed the market and the world for their troubles, but they never blamed themselves.It got harder and harder to make good cheese that customers would buy, talented cheese makers drifted away and the cheese factory became less and less effective. The big cheeses reacted by making it harder for the factory to work well, they stifled autonomy and innovation, they increased control and reporting and they got between the cheese factory and its customers.One day the outside world got a whiff of the smell of the Big Cheese and his big cheese chums and realised that the best before date had passed.Tribal was once a City market darling, it made great cheese. Successive big cheeses have destroyed so much value through their own ignorance and arrogance. What is so tragic and is such a scandal is that the system of governance is so incestuous and self back slapping that it is just blind to reality. Shame on the big cheeses and the system which masks the smell of the big cheeses going off and blessed are the cheese makers.

idontwanttolose 19 Oct 2015

PROFIT WARNING TRB is NOT A STOCK THAT I HOLD To post a trading statement as below IMO is unforgivable to the senior management by shareholders. Me thinks that they need more than a new CEO!!Tribal Group plc ("Tribal", a leading provider of student management systems and services for education management, issues a trading statement to update its outlook for the second half of the year ending 31 December 2015. In recent years Tribal has been successful in winning large software projects in our chosen markets. The expectations of our larger customers continue to evolve and attract the interest of new competitors, and our success in winning large contracts remains difficult to predict. At the same time, despite being well positioned in the market, the focus on our larger customers has resulted in Tribal being less successful in building a pipeline of medium-sized and smaller opportunities to complement these large deals. We have also seen the extension of certain large customer programme timelines, which has resulted in the deferral of revenue and higher project delivery costs. In light of these trading conditions, we now expect our revenues for the current year to be lower than the prior year, and we expect our operating profits to be significantly below our previous expectations. The Board initiated a review of the Group's operations in the summer. Despite implementing initiatives to drive sales and increase our operating efficiency, we have been impacted by the more difficult trading environment. We are strengthening our sales leadership, fundamentally reviewing of our sales priorities and processes, and better aligning our cost base with our ongoing activities. The process to appoint a new Chief Executive is advancing well, and an update will be provided in due course.

jonnydurex 05 Jun 2015

Re: Brokers recommending 'buy' Am now in profit on these which is always nice having nearly bailed out when they dived. Let's hope the good reports keep coming...........jd
