Interesting update presentation by David Wall From webcast on 10th February. Available on the following link[link]
Re: Excellent news on every front I'm in with a couple of chunky buys over the past week or so, looking for a steady tick up here as the clock ticks steadily on
Re: Excellent news on every front Been on my watch list for ages, glad it has stayed there, now i might have a punt, short to medium term hold IMO
Excellent news on every front Let the good times roll. Been in since a spike of 1.2p October 14. Topped up at .9p in Januray Now ready for the launch.
Here's a model that may help the maths. At completion of the issue there $6m in the bank. Divide that by the billion or so shares. But the money is going to be spent. Yep; on the 100k lease next to Great Bear. So are the leases an asset or not. Acquisition of this lease may coincide with some great Great Bear news. I agree with David's outlook. It's a bit like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid on the ledge above waterfall...why worry about drowning tge fall will kill you anyway
Quindell and eegbvi the cv for Ed Duncan andPat Galvin have long standing connection with Alaskan Govt which may explain and support eegbvi previous note. See their CV's on Great Bear website...petro or petroleum take your pick.
Great Bear Petroleum website back on. URL I was using had Great Bear Petro not petroleum. So no conspiracy dammit.
Thanks for link Smiler. I alaska govt few times and even job ads rig deployment etc trying to get a sniff re activity and timeline.
Hi . Great Bear Petroleum have shut down their website in recent days. Wonder if they have something to hide. I hope so.
Re: London 5th feb Isn't it lap dancing night there on Thursdays? ')
London 5th feb Tangiers will be presenting thursday 5th feb Chesterfield hotel Mayfair london.
price manipulation Someone is trying hard to keep down the price. Can see on level 2 that someone is placing large sell orders (500k at .8 and 500k at .85p) deliberately to hold price down. They keep appearing then disappearing from the order book.............blatant manipulation of SP.
400k was a buy 400k at 82.9 was my buy not a sell,
Re: 8 Billion pumpy dumpy me thinks
8 Billion Could see a company bigger than that Gulf Keystone in the making here however there is a long long long long way to go!