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II Editor 28 Apr 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 29/04/2015 "TRINITY MIRROR (LSE:TNI)  is our next Media Sector victim. This share is a bit weird 'cos it's supposed to be going up and isn't. One of our favourite arguments relates to Glass Ceilings - these hypothetical points in space the market often ..."[link]

forwardloop 19 Mar 2015

info [link]

forwardloop 16 Mar 2015

info Evil is short referred to this [link]

forwardloop 06 Mar 2015

Evil I have just spent some time this morning chatting to a lawyer and it is quite clear that the Trinity Mirror (TNI) hacking cases are gathering pace. There may be as many as one thousand cases. Bearing in mind that each case will cost Trinity Mirror well upwards of £100,000, this does not look good. I sold short this morning at 201p.
