2 weeks to go Perhaps it is just going to be a simple b bogarithm , sh#t + more sh#t = totally cr#p and sh#aft#d.
Re: Reasons To 'Run' TGL-GOS Only about two trading weeks to go now and the accounts must be posted in that time or all of the shares and cash disappear in a puff of smoke and a select few do very well out of it.
Google Q.C. News Coming 8 December "Google plans 'watershed' quantum computing announcement in December Anthony Cuthbertson November 16, 2015 12:14 GMTA "watershed announcement" from Google regarding quantum computers is expected to be made on 8 December, according to a board member of the quantum computing firm D-Wave. Steve Jurvetson gave no other details about what Google is planning, though his comments were related to an image projecting the predicted exponential progress of quantum computing over the next few years.... Jurvetson's Flickr image depicts Rose's Law, which mimics Moore's law in charting the growth of computational power of quantum computers over time. According to the graph, extrapolated from data points taken from previous quantum computing milestones, the point at which quantum computers surpass conventional computers should be in the very near future."If we suspend disbelief for a moment, and use D-Wave's early data on processing power scaling, then the very near future should be the watershed moment, where quantum computers surpass conventional computers and never look back. Moore's Law cannot catch up," Jurvetson said in his recent post."A year later, it outperforms all computers on Earth combined. Double qubits again the following year, and it outperforms the universe... Meaning, it could solve certain problems that could not be solved by any non-quantum computer, even if the entire mass and energy of the universe was at its disposal and molded into the best possible computer." ... "[link]
GOS Currently At Paris Exhibition "Milipol Paris Exhibition 17th 20th November 2015November 17, 2015We will be exhibiting at Milipol, Paris, the worldwide meeting place for internal State security professionals, come and see us at Stand 5K236"[link]
UK security to be intensified "Paris attacks: UK security to be intensified - Theresa May 25 minutes ago From the section UK Speaking in the Commons, Mrs May confirmed that new funding would be made available for an extra 1,900 security and intelligence officers at MI5, MI6 and GCHQ - an increase of 15%.The announcement on Monday that Britain's intelligence and security agencies are to be given a massive boost in resources has taken some there by surprise. Expecting a modest boost in the coming Strategic Defence and Security Review, they have now been told they are to get a 15% increase in headcount, raising their numbers by 1,900. For MI5, the Security Service and MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service, this will take some time to absorb, perhaps years. They will need to find, recruit, vet and train new intelligence officers largely from scratch. But for GCHQ, the government's secret listening station in Cheltenham, it will be relatively easier for them to recruit already-qualified IT analysts and linguists from the commercial marketplace. "[link]
Re: GOS: 2nd. Mears Fears = Bears shed Tears... Typo amendment, with apologies (change from "2006":"Mears (MER): Bought in 1996 for just £50K., and floated on AIM in October of that year."
GOS: 2nd. Mears Fears = Bears shed Tears! GOS Systems: 2nd. Mears Fears = Bears shed Tears! Mears (MER): Bought in 2006 for just £50K., and floated on AIM in October of that year. 2001 MERs market cap. had topped £50M. the end of 2006, it had topped £200M. Currently £459.08M. at 450.5p. "
Bob Holt, who purchased Mears in 1996 for just £50,000 and brought the company to the stock market, has sold 2m shares for £5m, or 250p each. It means Mr Holt holds just 1m share options in Mears which is now worth more than £200m
"[link] GOS Systems: Bought by Touchstone (TGL) in November 2014 for a nominal sum: "Inclusive of a nominal consideration for the assets and goodwill, Touchstone has committed a maximum of GBP250,000 to finance the acquisition and to enable GOS Systems to fund initial working capital requirements."[link] 1st. July 2015 TGL was able to announce that GOS had become an "important and valuable asset": "The Company's investment in GOS Systems ("GOS", a security sector focused technology business, is at the core of Touchstone's investment strategy. In the opinion of the Board, GOS has become an important and valuable asset. TGL's recently announced investment in Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited is complementary to the GOS business, as is TGL's investment in Smart Desk Systems Limited. It has now been resolved by the TGL Board, subject to shareholder approval, that: -- any future acquisitions that might be made will be complementary to GOS; -- GOS' chief executive officer Jamie Ridealgh be appointed to TGL's Board as TGL chief executive officer; and -- the Company's name be changed to GOS Systems."[link]
Stephen Hawking Scientific Advisor to CQCL "INVESTMENT IN CQCL: Grupo Arcano invests in Quantum Computing Artificial intelligence, machine learning, weather trends and the cure of diseases are some of the practical applications that Quantum Computing could have in the near future. This is why Grupo Arcano recently invested in Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited (CQCL), one of the leading companies in the Quantum Computing industry. The company is developing an operating system that is expected to revolutionize the financial world, medicine and even space travel. Simply stated, traditional computers use bits, a binary numbering system which uses two digits: zeros or ones in linear form. Quantum computers use qubits (from quantum bits,instead of zeros or ones, they use both, making the results faster and more comprehensive. This data processing enables more accurate modeling and predictions than can be performed on a standard computer. The areas in which CQCL is currently involved and researching include: Cryptography Financial Services Medicine and Biotechnology Big Data With the incorporation of CQCL into the portfolio of Grupo Arcano, we join an important group of entities, such as Google, NASA, IBM and D-WAVE computing, that are promoting the research and development of this technology worldwide."[link] The newsletter quoted from above also reveals that Stephen Hawking is Scientific Advisor to CQCL, which is big news. Quite apart from his ability, Stephen Hawking is perhaps the most famous scientist in the world today.
Re: Reasons To 'Run' TGL-GOS Ray,There are good reasons why the company has been keeping a bit quiet, and that is in the best interests of shareholders.And I have no problems about Stanhill's knowledge of and respect for the law, as they are experts in this field with a fine track record and reputation. All will be revealed by the end of next month so there's not much longer to wait.Tomorrow actually is the first anniversary of TGL acquiring GOS Systems, and its been a year of impressive progress since that company-making acquisition, which is worth celebrating.
Re: Reasons To 'Run' TGL-GOS Will this share ever come back from suspension? I hope that what they are doing here is legal? No y/e results, no GOS figures, updates, 4 months of suspension, not a word of reassurance from the board as to what is really going on.
Quantum Cryptography in "New Scientist" In the wake of the Talk Talk hacking furore, this from the "New Scientist" 31 October 2015: "TRUST NO ONE Need to share secret? You'll want a cipher that's as strong as the laws of physics, says Neil Brooks ... as far as cybersecurity is concerned, we are finally poised to create a world in which trust is optional. The development taking us there is called device-independent quantum cryptography. ... This perfectly secure future can't arrive quickly enough, as present-day cryptographic systems are in a precarious state. The security of all our online purchases, bank transactions and personas rely on a single shaky assumption: that certain mathematical operations are hard to do. The best known of our modern encryption systems is called RSA. ... Even if we could prove that the factorisation problem is beyond the abilities of traditional computers, there are still quantum computers to consider. ... One way to invigorate our privacy is to fight fire with fire and employ quantum cryptography. This promises the ability to create keys that are entirely random, entirely unpredictable ..." And from Wikipedia: "Quantum cryptography is the art and science of exploiting quantum mechanical properties to perform cryptographic tasks. The best known example of quantum cryptography is quantum key distribution which offers an information-theoretically secure solution to the key exchange problem. Currently used popular public-key encryption and signature schemes (e.g., RSA and ElGamal) can be broken by quantum adversaries. The advantage of quantum cryptography lies in the fact that it allows the completion of various cryptographic tasks that are proven or conjectured to be impossible using only classical (i.e. non-quantum) communication (see below for examples). For example, It is impossible to copy data encoded in a quantum state and the very act of reading data encoded in a quantum state changes the state. This is used to detect eavesdropping in quantum key distribution. ... "[link]
CQCL in Credit Suisse article "5 'Next Big Things' in High TechEric Johnson,Freelance writerPublished: 22.10.2015 Compare how you lived 20 years ago to today: technology makes a big difference, doesn't it? There is no end in sight, because these newest 'big things' are driven by two relentless trends.Massive computing, and massive connectivity. More processing power lies in your smartphone than was at Mission Control for America's moonshots of the 1960s and 1970s. Internet users in 1995 numbered less than 1 percent of the world's people; today that's up to 45 percent. 2025, says a study from Cisco Systems, they will hit 300 percent. Yes, 300 percent, and to find out how that works read on.Not-so-Heavy Weather the Rise of Big Data ...Even Bigger Data, the Internet of Things ...The Internet of Banking: Fintech ...Share and Share Alike ...Computing at the Next Level QuantumImpossible is almost an understatement, when it comes to the fifth next-best-tech. If moonshot mainframes look like toys next to today's phones, just imagine things in another decade or two. Chad Rigetti already has. He and his team of brain-boxes (some of them human) at Rigetti Computing are racing to build quantum computers. Along with a lot of competitors, from Cambridge Quantum to D-Wave to IBM and Intel, they aim to build synthetic brains that will dwarf those of computers today by a factor of several thousand. Qcomp will be so smart and so small, says Credit Suisse analyst Uwe Neumann, it could be the 'brain' of your car, your air-conditioner, your refrigerator, your lawnmower, basically every gadget around. And all of these can link into the Internet of Things, which well you got the point already. Massive computing, massive connectivity these are driving the next big things."[link]
Re: Reasons To 'Run' TGL-GOS "TRL Electronics (taken over after 2 years for about £90M.)"Please note, that should read "2 years after IPO"
Reasons To 'Run' TGL-GOS Two compelling reasons to run TGL-GOS:-1. GOS Systems could well be a 2nd. TRL Electronics (taken over after 2 years for about £90M.).(GOS Chairman Peter McKee previously headed TRL.)2. CQCL has a rare combination of attributes:-Business genius. (I.K. etc.)Technical genius. (The Prof. etc.)Great business model.Monumental growth area- quantum computing will explode over the next few years (business progress, & investor interest).
Re: rto Don't hold your breath. Last time they spoke it was going to be a new listing as GOS and with a placing to boot so you can kiss your thoughts of interest on investment goodbye!