Bears Better Beware this Potential Betterware! COMPANIES RELEVANT TO TGL: START-UPS, AND EX-ADMINISTRATION FLOATS1. XIAOMIFrom "THE TIMES", Friday January 16 2015:"iPhone 6 rival you may Note but not seeNic FildesLast updated at 121AM, January 16 2015"Its the latest must-have smartphone to hit the market, but British users will probably never get their hands on one of the only phones to steal the iPhones thunder.The Xiaomi Mi Note is lighter, thinner and has a bigger screen than the supersized iPhone 6 Plus but it will be available only in China when it launches this month. It will soon hit the shelves in other markets, including India and Brazil, at a cost of less than £250. ...Founded in 2010, Xiaomi has earned itself the mantle of the biggest start-up in the world after a funding round valued it at $45 billion (£30 billion) last month. ... "[link] GAME DIGITAL"Ashley Armstrong, M&A Reporter8
0PM GMT 03 Jan 2015
The best performing float of the year was also one that came to the market with the most controversy. GAME Digital, which collapsed into administration just two years earlier, floated initially at the bottom of its price range due to investor nervousness, but since then it has quietly tracked higher and its shares are now almost 75pc higher than they were when listed in June.
"[link] Digital PLC (GMD) has a current market cap. of £425M., and it has been much higher.3. BETTERWARE"... Andrew Cohen bought it from receivers in 1983 for £253,000 and moved it from Romford, Essex to Castle Vale, Birmingham.[2] It became a public company in 1986 and was one of the best performing shares on the stockmarket in the early 1990s when its share price rose from about 20p to more than 250p. Cohen sold his share of the company in 1997 by which time it was valued at £117 million.[3] ..."[link]
Two posts from ADVFN, 15.1.15 carbuthen 15 Jan'15 - 08:23 - 3723 of 3770 6 0"It's quite simple to do the valuation here.GOS was valued @ £30m last year.TGL now own GOS outright.TGL mk cap is>> under £3m. (this morning)Since mid last year, the world has plunged into RED ALERT warnings across Europe especially. The whole world is now ON ALERT - HIGH ALERT.>>>This is effectively giving GOS a Silver Bullet of Solutions to Governments and Large Institutions and Multi National Companies who NOW really DO need to increase spending whatever the cost on Fortifying their defenses.In step GOS Systems.SO if anyone is thinking £30m back then is still the same. Then think again and think at least double that figure.Business will be going GANGBUSTERS >>I don't particularly see the need to post, until there is something different to say.I think I've highlighted effectively why this will be in 'double figures' plus in the v near term.The quality of management is key, the solutions are key, they have it all.No advice, only opinion."drinkscotch 15 Jan'15 - 12:52 - 3745 of 3770 3 0"Volume has increased markedly recently, 1p easily insight. Then we're off.speculation is, word is getting around some Tech funds who are wanting IN.Happy to hold for a 18 month view."[link]
Re: Mr KHAN JUST KEEPS ON BUYING! It certainly does Ray!Ilyas Khan has now recently bought back 15.7 million TGL shares:1. Subscribed for 3,400,000 shares6/11/2014 11:50 UKREG Touchstone Gold Limited Holding(s) in Company[link] Bought 1,800,000 TGL shares in the market::10/11/2014 18
0 UKREG Touchstone Gold Limited Issue of Equity and Holdings in the Company[link] Bought 2,000,000 TGL shares in the market:11/11/2014 16:35 UKREG Touchstone Gold Limited Holdings in the Company[link] Bought 3,500,000 TGL shares in the market:24/11/2014 13:59 UKREG Touchstone Gold Limited Holding(s) in Company[link] Bought 5,000,000 TGL shares in the market
8/01/2015 14:38 UKREG Touchstone Gold Limited Holding(s) in Company[link] the start of 2014 Ilyas Khan has actually increased his holding of TGL shares by over twenty six million: 26,820,276 to be precise.In addition, I.K. may also have subscribed for TGL consolidated loan notes, which would have increased his investment into TGL since the start of last year still further.
Mr KHAN JUST KEEPS ON BUYING! 5 million shares this time! If this does not instill some confidence then I don't know what will.
Updated GOS Systems Presentation 07/01/2015 070 RNSNON Touchstone Gold Limited GOS Systems Investor Presentation "London, 7 January 2015 - The Board of Touchstone is pleased to notify shareholders that an updated investor presentation is now available on the Company's website which covers GOS Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. Please visit the Company's website:"[link] GOS Systems January 2015[link] Quite superb stuff!! Reading this new presentation, one can't help but be struck by the sheer class and quality of this company, and its quite stunning value at the current lowly market cap. It seems to have everything: huge growth market, essential services, recurring revenues, high barriers to entry, high margins, and a hugely impressive management team. What's not to like?! The company has invested millions of pounds on R&D to develop its tech products, and those alone should cover the current market cap. at 0.625p. Big data: big opportunity!!
Re: Smart Desk Systems Should have listened to us on here at 0.04p and bought some shares...hope some of you did!Broken the stop 1.5p!gla
Re: Smart Desk Systems Whats up with peeps on III these days?This is on the verge of BOOM time again...3 bagged from the low point, much more to come in 2015!
Re: Smart Desk Systems The way things are shifting here, could be your last chance to buy sub 1p guys!!
Re: Smart Desk Systems Turns out we already own Smart Desk.This share is just getting better and better!
Smart Desk Systems On 21st. November 2014 TGL's Chief Operating Officer Franz Forrester and Company Secretary Trevor Wells were both appointed as directors of Smart Desk Systems.Smart Desk Systems is headed by Steve Berry (its Executive Chairman), who is also Chief Executive Officer of TGL's recent acquisition GOS Systems.And Messrs. Forrester and Wells replaced Peter McKee and Don McQueen, both also of GOS Systems.[link] its website Smart Desk Systems looks like an impressive outfit, and would certainly be a substantial and exciting RTO for TGL.And moreover complementary to GOS Systems."Intelligent Communication SolutionsSmartDesk makes smart messaging solutions. They create a vital edge for businesses by helping them communicate better, enhancing efficiency and improving the customer experience, whilst reducing operational cost."[link] Systems + Smart Desk Systems.These two companies would be a good fit inside TGL, both in terms of type and quality of business, personnel, and even their names!SDS may well be TGL's preferred RTO (reverse takeover) target, and there is a good chance that news on this front may be forthcoming in the New Year.A Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to everyone!
GOS Website Down I note its been down last few Days. I Hope Mr Haircut Kim Jong-un hasnt been tampering with us all[link]
Re: Good GOSh!!! 15/12/2014 070 RNSNON Touchstone Gold Limited Update on Investee Company GOS Systems" ... GOS has secured a contract with a national law enforcement agency in the Asia Pacific region to supply its cellular identity solutions.This is an initial agreement that will be fulfilled in the months ahead, and may lead to additional sales with the customer. The contract is significant as a reference for other national law enforcement agencies that are currently in the business development pipeline.Additionally, GOS has also received material orders from existing customers. It should be noted that an important business development initiative that has been successful in the past few weeks is an order for an equipment upgrade from a European law enforcement agency.These orders give GOS' management further confidence that, following the restructuring of GOS Systems, not only has the existing customer base remained intact, but that business development and expansion plans can be implemented with confidence.The aggregate value to GOS of these two sets of contracts for the calendar year of 2015 is approximately GBP300,000. A further update on the business plan and revenues beyond the next few months will be provided at the end of Q1 2015. ... "[link] Systems has won £300K. of new contracts in just under one and a half months under TGL's ownership.If that rate of contract wins was kept up, it would equate to about £2.5M. ofnew contract wins p.a.Starting from a revenue base of a couple of million pounds or so p.a., that would equate to growth of over 100% p.a.And it could give GOS Systems annualised revenues of about £4.5M. p.a. by the latter part of next year.Compare to Falanx Group (FLX) in a related field of operation:Revenue of £4.436M. in the year ending 31.3.14Market cap. £18.93M. at 37p[link] looks to be more consultancy and cyber-focussed than GOS Systems, without GOS's cellular capabilities, and lacking GOS's range of intellectual property.This probably means that FLX has lower barriers to entry and margins than GOS, and a lower proportion of recurring revenues.[link] Systems is high growth and high margin, with recurring revenues, and great intellectual property (13 families of patents).And GOS Systems is only part of the TGL story!
Good GOSh!!! Good GOSh!!! That's a nice early Christmas present! 15/12/2014 070 RNSNON Touchstone Gold Limited Update on Investee Company GOS Systems[link] The rise of just 20% is relatively muted, but fourth place on the LSE top leader board (out of over two thousand companies) is not to be sniffed at, and the volume 11 million shares traded shows a healthy level of interest: 4 TGL Touchstone 0.50 20.48% 0.09 1[link] Price Price Change [%] Bid Offer Open High Low Volume 0.50 0.085 [20.48] 0.45 0.55 0.43 0.53 0.43 11,071,849 Market Cap. [m] Shares In Issue [m] Beta EPS DPS PE Ratio Yield 52-Wks-Range 2.01 402.04 -0.97 -5.73 - - - 1.48 - 0.27 And a would prefer a slow and steady climber to a sharp and brief spike.Thanks and well done again to the team at TGL for pulling off such a company-making deal recently, and for keeping us informed so well. TGL is undervalued and with good news coming, the perfect formula for successful investing, as with KIBO a few weeks ago before it ten-bagged. Just buy and wait. Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to everyone!
Re: Another impressive new director Thanks Man Who Can!And please keep up your own excellent contributions: although they are not frequent, they are very high quality.08/12/2014 070 UKREG Touchstone Gold Limited Appointment of New Director"London, 8 December 2014 - Touchstone, the AIM listed investment company, is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Almeida to its Board as non-executive director.... He continues as advisor to early stage technology companies, including businesses in the 'big data' sectors. ..."[link] wonder if any of those 'big data' companies that TGL's new director is advising are looking to come to market? Via a RTO?It's certainly interesting that the RNS about Richard Almeida singles out big data in particular for a specific mention, and nothing else currently.And big data is an area that looks to be very complementary to both quantum computing, and GOS Systems:"Leading the way with tactical and strategic intelligence gathering and secure communication solutions for law enforcement, homeland security and government agencies around the world."[link] addition, it's also an area which may well be one of the 'next big things'." ... Growth stock expert David Thornton says: "If you don't invest in Big Data small caps NOW you stand to miss out on the most rampant bull market of the next 5 years!"... For the first time ever, we are able to make sense of all the information we are collecting...This new breakthrough is called 'BIG DATA'.And it is being put to extraordinary uses unlocking a new wave of breath-taking innovations
It is being harnessed in ways that will change every industry on the planet, including: energy, medicine, business, biotech, and agriculture.Over the last year or so we have started to make the transition from having so much information it's virtually useless
To being MASTERS of our knowledge and data. What used to take months or years to accomplish can now be done in hours or minutes.We now have the capability to sift through masses of information in moments
and it's fuelling some incredible breakthroughs.From the useful:Like tracking your run on a Sunday jog
making sure you pay less for aeroplane tickets
or checking your glucose levels on your smartphone.To the incredible
ecoding our DNA sequence
3D printed artificial limbs, intercepting terrorist attacks before they occur
isolating cells that cause cancer
even re-growing body parts.All of this will soon be possible, and used to improve our lives in ways often imagined but never before possible.Yes, these are all remarkable breakthroughs
you may already have started hearing about them in the news or seeing reports in the paper
But as a growth stock expert, I am most qualified to show you how you could make money out of what's happening. ..."[link]
Re: Another impressive new director Hedgehog Very true. Your way of thinking is like mine Mr. Richard Almeida has been Consultant to the Board of MessageLabs Limited since 2000. Mr. Almeida's career spans over 20 years in the global technology industry as a business founder and business builder, with a successful track record of businesses that he founded being sold to large global technology companies. Mr. Almeida is a serial entrepreneur, having founded, managed, grown and raised finance for various companies and sold them onward. He is an Internet expert and has founded, directed and advised various UK Internet industry bodies, including The London Internet Exchange and Nominet. Mr. Almeida served as Consultant to the Board of MessageLabs Group Limited since 2000. He founded Internet Network Services Ltd. (INS) and served as Technical Director. He served as Chief Technology Officer of INSnet (later acquired by Cable & Wireless) and a founder of Nominet UK, and Network Managers (later acquired by Microsoft). He has been a Non-Executive Director of Touchstone Gold Limited since December 2014. Mr. Almeida serves as Director of Star Technology Group Limited. Mr. Almeida served as Director of MessageLabs Group Limited.[link] article about him here [link] Cannot get much more better than this Keep up the good work Hedgehog & dont cross any Busy Roads lol