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Ripley94 14 Aug 2017

Re: New RNS Middler 2What "new" RNS do you refer to. i cannot see anything on this site or on LSE .

middler2 14 Aug 2017

New RNS This guy should know what he is doing and if TCM are good enough for him, they'' do for me!Mr. Davide Renato Ugo Serra is a Co-Founder, Founding Partner, Investment Advisor and Chief Executive Officer at Algebris Investments (UK) LLP. Prior to this, Mr. Serra served as a Managing Director, Global Banks Team Coordinator and Research Analyst at Morgan Stanley, Research Division. He headed the European banks research team at the firm. From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Serra was a Senior Analyst at UBS Investment Bank, Research Division. He catered to banks sector research ...

Gailes5 14 Aug 2017

Buy/ Sell I hold no shares neither am I short and frankly know little about the company. However I became interested when I read Winnyfroths stuff on share prophets. I am far from being a fan of his but sometimes he has got it right. The point I am aiming at is that when there is such an enormous choice for us to invest it appears to me very imprudent to buy a share with so many unanswered questions surrounding, it and the CEO and largest shareholders being on the run. Whither it is going to zero as Winny suggests or not I would not touch it .

HewSliss 14 Aug 2017

Re: what makes a market RNS with 4% stake held by Davide Renato Ugo Serra - any ideas

itssoconfusing 14 Aug 2017

what makes a market guysNo signs of panic exit here. Happy to hold.itsso....

one4all 14 Aug 2017

131 to sell and dropping ....

one4all 14 Aug 2017

sea of red now sell

one4all 14 Aug 2017

Re: TW and newspapers rubbish

one4all 14 Aug 2017

Re: way over done here in fact in light of TW's article of today i am now short..

one4all 14 Aug 2017

Re: way over done here done and out. nice profit on a week

safarinorman 14 Aug 2017

Re: How to lose money Ripley94 it does not matter if the person running a company is male female or gay, or if they are black or white or any other colour or religion, they are there to do a job, and you are right to point it wishes from safarinorman

safarinorman 14 Aug 2017

TW and newspapers TW and newspapers---------- ---------- --------having worked in the newspaper industry in the past for many years, not as a reporter, I can point out that the Sunday Times item would have been talked about and investigated for a some time and I am sure the editor would have lawyers looking at the story, the reporter would have started quietly gradually building up information eventually the reporter would have needed to ask the company directors what they knew and what they did not know. Does anyone think they all knew nothing ? if you or I were directors of a company, how many other directors and top management were employed, and they knew nothing ? TW I think said he had warned about the company for a long time, are the directors saying when there is someone pointing to a problem, they did nothing ? so how long did they do nothing ? they only did something when the whole world knew they decided their own jobs are in the firing line in the future they did something, do you think there is more to come, ? do you think they will say they have found other problems in the future? I don't know but the directors were obviously not aware of the problem they say that only when the newspaper told them, but TW I think was writing about this for a very long time.I think the directors will eventually tell the full story, and the question must be asked, is there more bad news to come,? have the directors got all the facts now,? and will the share price now rise or fall.I am not going to go back and see what TW has said about the company for months/ a year ? because I am not going to buy any shares, but I think it would be interesting for a private share holder to go back and read what TW has said and how long a time did he start, that way the private investor will have a better view of the future in the company, and the future share price. I wish that person well as that is how to make money, is having information, the directors of Telit say they did not know.good luck.

waytogo333 14 Aug 2017

Re: Looks like the bounce is on Amazed it didn't drop (before the bounce), considering all the negative press over the weekend.Closed my long spreadbet at opening, fearing the worst. Just shows you can never second guess the market.

middler2 14 Aug 2017

Re: Looks like the bounce is on Not really. He presumably does know such things inside out, BUT he needs to reassure investors, so is going through the motions. the real question is WHAT he knows!

acsatix 14 Aug 2017

Re: Looks like the bounce is on "Fait is conducting a preliminary review of the company’s activities and cost base and an update on this as well as the general business performance is expected next month."was he finance officer? Does he not know these things inside out already? This is absurd.
