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one4all 30 Jun 2015

Re: RNS/42% DISCOUNT TOO NAV your response is a joke, right?.. they are free to pick and choose investments . As 'fund' managers they have totally and utterly failed on all counts. They have picked stocks to invest your money in that many of the 'managers' have links to as directors etc. market factors out of their control ,,no,, just plain bad fund managing, in fact none of them have any formal fund management qualifications. why would anyone even consider this lump of dross

W8ANDC 25 Jun 2015

Re: RNS/42% DISCOUNT TOO NAV Guess it depends when you buy. To criticise Starvest for market factors and external circumstances - which have been many and multiple over 9 years - and blame them for a passive investment strategy is a tad unreasonable. I have bought and sold here on many occasions and left in profit. The AIM is a difficult environment post-collapse (2007 on) but many of Starvest's long term investments are beginning to show improvement (Oracle (+100% from low), Ariana (+50% from low ) etc) and I thoroughly expect to be able to sell my transactional holding for a profit again in the medium term. nb:NAV discount because of the potential of capital gains is never worth mentioning for ROI but it does give a trend indication

one4all 27 May 2015

Re: RNS/42% DISCOUNT TOO NAV If 9 years ago you just bought a tracker fund in the FTSE100 you would have made a paultry 21% gain over that time, If you had 'invested' in this lump of rubbish you would have lost 80%. but these guys still picked up over £1mill in 'admin costs' for looking after your hard earned money...its funny how people 9 years later are still saying that this is discounted to NAV by 40%...

W8ANDC 18 May 2015

The first six targets another six The momentum is building for a correction of the price above 4p - see chairman's statement.. And from that point I can see with progress at RRR, Ariana, Kefi and with support from Oracle this could target 6p in the second six months of 2015. Chairman's statementI am pleased to provide a half year update. Although the result as shown in the interim financial statement is not exciting, the net asset value continues to recover from the exceptional low point at 31 December 2014 when we reported a net asset value of £1.8m. At 31 March 2015 we reported a value of £2.26m which, by 30 April, had recovered further to £2.55m, a rise of 42% since 31 December 2014, albeit still much below the value of £4.40m at 30 September 2014. The net asset value per share at 30 April was 6.85p compared with the closing mid-price of 3.38p, giving a discount of 51%.

W8ANDC 13 Apr 2015

Strategically and Tactically On Move Hopefully this is just the start of the better news: (1) (2)(1) Strategic improvement:The release of the net asset value on 31 March 2015 shows a return to a plus 6p (6.09p) NAV. And a portfolio valuation up about 25% to £2.26m and share price discount to net asset value of over 40% has been reinstated.This valuation also missed the 35% increase in valuation from the holding in Oracle Coalfields that happened on 1st April 2015 which has been held as it was in response to genuine progress at the company. (2) Management Tactically Astute in Straitened TimesStarvest took opportunity to sell 8.000.000 Of Alba Minerals on jump which was associated to release of news at Horse Hill, which as the price slide seems to indicate was an astute move both tactically and strategically. Enough sold to benefit yet not enough to signal a withdrawn of their strategic support.1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: ii Alba Mineral Resources plc 5. Date of the transaction and date on which the threshold is crossed or reached: v 9 April 2015 Situation previous to the triggering transactionNumber of Shares 35,875,000Number of Voting Rights 35,875,000 Resulting situation after the triggering transactionNumber of sharesDirect 27,875,000Number of voting rightsDirect xi 27,875,000 Indirect xii% of voting rightsDirect 3.97% Indirect

W8ANDC 11 Mar 2015

Check the Oracle Buying any aim share now should come with a health warning unless you have the possibility of getting a basement entry...and of course an oracle.Oracle coalfields (ORCP) is held by SVE and received good long term news today: "Oracle Coalfields said its Thar desert, Pakistan, combined lignite mineral resource and mine mouth power plant has been included in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Confirmation came from the Government of Sindh." It was worth an immediate 17% price lift which most of which it should hold onto.Mid Term:I think we will see Regency (RGM) divest Horse Hill for a good return which will lift the malaise leading from the expectation that they will need to borrow or dilute to fund their share of the exploration costs.Short Term:Obstacles to the sale of El Limon are quickly receding for Red Rock Resources and hopefully we should have final details of sale in March and initial cash in April or May 2015.In isolation 1p on price in combination perhaps 2p.... ducks in a row could SVE get back to 6.5p?

OmarInvestor 25 Feb 2015

Re: Chart back to 1991 There have been share issues since and profits have been paid out by way of dividends. Working out what the return a shareholder would have got or the loss he would have suffered if he had bought in 1991 is something that would involve more research than I have time for.The current share price is not very far from where it was five years ago which given the carnage in the price of commodities and the price of AIM quoted mining exploration companies suggests the directors must be getting something right.Omar

softpawn 18 Feb 2015

Chart back to 1991 Can anyone explain the enormous drop since 1991 -was this when Starvest was formed?The price went up from about 300p to 550p and has since dropped to sub 5p.Surely an investment spread over several small companies should not have dropped this much.Last question is does Starvest have a holding in Landore? Thanks to anyone out there.

OmarInvestor 17 Feb 2015

Re: It only takes one to tango The way investments are valued is prudent. Starvest's investments are such that Starvest's exit would not be via the market. The value the market places on the investment is the mid-price. Taking the sell price incorporates the large buy-sell spread which exists on thinly traded stocks into the valuation which is prudent. Where the directors consider that the market is overvaluing a particular stock, they put a provision up. We know the provision in aggregate is quite substantial but for obvious confidentiality reasons the directors have not told us which of the investments they hold they think are lemons. On the other hand, where the directors consider the market is undervaluing a stock they leave the valuation at the market's value. It would be surprising if there are not some of the investments which they consider the market to be undervaluing. The net effect is that the overall portfolio is valued at considerably less than the directors' valuation of it.Of course, most of the investments will go nowhere. One succeeding is probably enough to justify the existing depressed valuation, and we will be unlucky if two do not succeed making the present share price a steal.Omar

W8ANDC 13 Feb 2015

It only takes one to tango Although it will take a change in sentiment toward early stage explorers for this to rocket it only takes one of the core investments to move into a new phase for this 'investment vehicle' to offer a solid return at these prices.I am in at 3.75 - 3.90 and historically this has been the basement entry price. Patience is required because many of the core investments have key milestones to reach this year and will not return value till next year or beyond. Others need fresh investment, but equally a few critical ones are moving toward early day ROI which makes this share for me a good stock to speculate with and presently a weak buy.

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