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OmarInvestor 19 Feb 2016

Re: nordic energy , picked by the master inv... One4all asked:have they even had one winner here, in all 5 years and 40 stockpicks , not one has soared many have died..They appear to have had three winners, Ariana, Kefi and Oracle and that is pretty good going for a company investing in what are effectively start-ups.Omar

OmarInvestor 19 Feb 2016

Re: nordic energy , picked by the master inv... Not very clear what is happening.Presumably it is the May 15 accounts that cannot be finalised. The numbers have been released but unaudited.One speculates that the auditors are insisting on not only an "emphasis of matter" paragraph on going concern but a full going concern qualification. The May 15 balance sheet showed negative tangible net assets and the company was solvent only on the basis of the intangible assets in the balance sheet.And with the oil price as it is, those cannot be worth very much.So one would go on to speculate further that there must be a serious chance that Nordic is going bust...Omar

one4all 18 Feb 2016

nordic energy , picked by the master investors [link] they even had one winner here, in all 5 years and 40 stockpicks , not one has soared many have died.. these guys ......

OmarInvestor 11 Feb 2016

Re: Discount to net asset value At 2.00pm today gold up $42 an ounce or 3.6% on the day . Ariana has followed it with a 5% rise on the day, and Kefi with a 6% rise.Wish I had some surplus funds to put my money where my mouth is now that Starvest's discount to its rational value has increased to much...Omar

Sidevalve 09 Feb 2016

Re: Discount to net asset value The big boys (Rio etc) are recovering and as you say gold is strong. So this means it's too good to tuck some Starvest shares away, timescale may be long but recoveries can be fast and easy to miss.

OmarInvestor 08 Feb 2016

Re: Discount to net asset value Today, the price of Ariana rose another 12% and of Kefi another 3% on the back of a strong rise in the gold price of $33 an ounce or a bit over 3%.Excessive discount to net asset value I highlighted in Friday's post now more excessive (unless the insider traders are better informed...)Omar

OmarInvestor 05 Feb 2016

Discount to net asset value The last trade was at 1.625, a 47% discount to the net asset value as shown by the 31 Dec valuation.The shares of Ariana and Kefi, the two companies Starvest holds interest in that are developing gold mines which should go into production this year or next, have both risen around 10% in the last month, presumably reflecting both the fact that every month that passes reduces the chance of some mishap preventing production and that the gold price has risen fairly strongly during January.So Starvest's discount to its net asset value may now be in excess of 50%.The bears of the stock must either know something we don't or have overdone the gloom...Omar

W8ANDC 05 Feb 2016

'Temporal Dysplasia' Come on old man Is that really the best you can do after looking ridiculous trawling all the way back to 2011 to highlight a 'vote' on a stock. Been stuck in mind altering time warp? Meanwhile a buy of 125,000 goes through..................

one4all 29 Jan 2016

Re: Dumfounded by Dummy Sells why dont you cut and paste my insult.. will be happy to apologise if there is one... however you wont find it.yeh, you sold for a profit and then kept telling people every month on the way down to buy it. that says more about you from your own admission than any insult anyone to throw at you

W8ANDC 29 Jan 2016

Re: Dumfounded by Dummy Sells 'You always know the arguement is lost when you start to throw in the odd personal insult.' Exactly! And as if to prove your own point who was it I wonder who trawled all the long way back to 2011 to find one to throw? Possibly the most stupid and naïve comment I have read on this board; especially considering I not only left with a profit at that time and no one in their right mind would blindly follow a recommendation that is more than a month old from a respected broker never mind a poster.Oh and by the way I'll give you a week, based on your in-depth knowledge of this stock to work out why there is such a large spread? And why with Kefi and Oracle on the move in a falling market it remains unaltered.

one4all 29 Jan 2016

Re: At 12.5p - 13p this is gilt edge buy first of all the $600, IS NOT THE ALL IN COST, its the cost of production if it was an all in cost they would have said it. so Id be taking $3mill of admin costs depreciation/ amortisation and financing costs.So that brings your $10mill down to $7mill.Then your PE of 8 is a fantasy. look at 4 if your lucky with a profile of this company , the market is always wary of heaviy debt laden companies so PE will be no where near 8so on PE of 4 we have market cap of $28mill or £20 millgives a value of £680k at best with everything being delivered on time in budget,,like that happens..

OmarInvestor 28 Jan 2016

Nature of our error about the gold price Some of us thought that the national debts of this country, the EU and the USA were unmanageable and that inflationary finance would be used to avoid explicit default and saw the "quantitatitve easing" as the first instalment of this which would lead to resurgent inflation.Well, we have been wrong up till now.Were we absolutely wrong or has it just taken longer for reality to intrude that we expected?And is it sustainable that the US banks have issued gold IOUs of more than one hundred times the amount of physical gold they hold to secure their pledges?I lost last time but I still place my bet on the next large move in the gold price being upwards.Omar

OmarInvestor 28 Jan 2016

Re: At 12.5p - 13p this is gilt edge buy One-4-all if the numbers in Ariana's plan for the Red Rabbit gold mine are a "fantasy" please can you explain how they arranged for " ... a US$33 million overall credit agreement, inclusive of capital repayments and borrowing costs, completed with Turkiye Finans Katilim Bankasi, an international award winning Turkish investment bank." [RNS announcement 31 July 14]. Banks are not generally accustomed to granting $33 million credit facilities on numbers that are "fantasy" but tend to demand robust, detailed and well supported plans. If in the eighteen months since this financing was announced, the outturn has not tracked in accordance with the plans that were the basis of the financing agreed then, how has Ariana's NOMAD allowed them to get away with making statements to the contrary?That some of us were too optimistic about the gold price a year ago is undoubtedly true. You won by betting that it had further to fall when it was at $1300 then. You are being premature in saying that this demonstrates that financial projections based on the gold price remaining at today's price of $1100 are fantasy.Omar

one4all 28 Jan 2016

Re: Dumfounded by Dummy Sells I dont need to save face, some one who has been recommending to buy this at 12p may need to look at themselves tho. You always know the arguement is lost when you start to throw in the odd personal insult.Good luck with the 50% spread

one4all 28 Jan 2016

Re: At 12.5p - 13p this is gilt edge buy the numbers are a fantasy, seem, heard it got the teeshirt with all those gold mining companies who were going to kill dead things with gold production and cost predictions going out the window.

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