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W8ANDC 05 May 2016

Omarinvestor put this 'One' straight please One4all are you really trying to say that the people who see market corrections coming (Starvest is not only commodity investor to be affected adversely 60-70 and 90% declines in under lying values are not uncommon even for big players during this reverse) and have an adaptable strategy to either divest or invest are wrong? This is the cornerstone of investing.A man who thinks a 100% profit is clueless. A man who eschewed that profit - even though he was clearly told how to get it - to remain static in Jubilee Platinum and MXO.L (both where I have an interest (ISA) but where I am not topping up at current prices want 2.65 and 0.65p again!) is seriously disadvantaged and has issues.Whilst I do sympathise with those losing 90% of their money the question really must be why would you leave your money to dwindle away without reacting? At least make a partial sale and buy back at a lower price to increase exposure for the upturn. The golden rule of Warren Buffet is 'don't lose money' and that involves selling at a loss on occasions and deploying 'stop losses' - and most of all having an active investing strategy.Another Warren Buffet golden rule is watch the market and track the asset class or underlying asset (macro) and only invest in well run companies who can outperform the market and divest when these criteria no longer hold true!Obviously One4all's investing strategy is one that avoids strategic trend watching and tactical stop losses. Which means it isalso one that avoids profits and ensures it engages with loss. Not one for Warren Buffet then! Omarinvestor and myself have tried to correct his approach over the last few months by giving him 'clues' : We both told you:1. That Starvest's current value ( was below market valuation) and a buy2. Your 1p sell prediction here was CLUELESS, vindictive, blind and stupid.3. That Ariana was on the move - going from 0.70 to 1.70p (100% +)4. That kefi was also on the move. (65%+)and 5: in last weeks post I told you to buy RED ROCK RESOURCES (0.44 - 0.47) and there was an almost instant 25% minimum profit. I sold as it hit 0.65p. (50% + in 10 days!).These should be happier days - with the return of profit from commodities - yet somehow I feel One4all knows best and will continue to offer his opinions. Look for the man alone with the pipe and the whippet in the pub with a foreclosure notice.

one4all 03 May 2016

Re: Positive RNS but now the real work start... you are dreaming, this is a vehicle to give a few old hands a pension fund.. those who invested here at the start have lost 90% of their money and you spout on about how you could have made 100% in the last month...thats gambling , not investing..clueless...

W8ANDC 28 Apr 2016

Positive RNS but now the real work starts Making nonsense of the 'sell' indicators over the last 3 months the RNS shows the recovery in the Starvest 'vehicles' performance. Sad it caused some to sell at 0.75/1.00 only a few weeks ago when if they had bought they could have got up to 100% profit. That said to move forward beyond 3.75p - 4.00p investments other than Kefi and Ariana and Oracle will need to come to the party and contribute. I have divested most of my Kefi and excess Ariana and will look to buy back on weakness. I have kept a presence here and bought Alba (0.28) and Red Rock (0.44p) on weakness (among other oils and metals not held by SVE) I hope they will deliver my next profits. The numbers 27 April 2016 31 March 2016 Trading portfolio value £1.32m £1.04m Company net asset value£1.28m £1.07mNet asset value per share 3.39 pence 2.83 penceShare price - mid 2.88 pence 1.25 pence Share price discount to net asset value15% 56%Market capitalisation £1.09m £0.47mAs always do your own research.

W8ANDC 27 Apr 2016

Re: One for all and all for One (HOLD) Sidevalue my feeling is to HOLD to see how far Kefi and Ariana and the meritable others can go in the short term. Please read my original 'Hold' post (1 day ago). There could be a slight fall back before June (slow trading across late spring/summer) but I fully expect a 2.25/2.75 p price to be fully justified when the June NAV comes out in early July 2016.My last post was to reject the doom mongering of our 'Sell' - your soul - buddy and demonstrate profitable investing if you do your research on exit and entry points and are not blinded by your ignorance and historic mistakes. I have sold into the 'flash' peak getting 2.65/2.81 and a little bit more for my excess and liberating the profit that enables much of my holding now to be essential 'free carry'. I will hold to see how far this minor recovery has to run. I am confident this is fair value until another of the invested plays switches on and adds to the momentum or there is a further upgrade at Ariana (SVE owns 4%), Kefi or new news from Oracle, Red Rock (now also an oil play), and Alba.

Sidevalve 27 Apr 2016

Re: One for all and all for One W8ANDC, Just to clarify are you recommending a "Sell" flag at the current SP?I'm a hold.

W8ANDC 27 Apr 2016

Re: One for all and all for One Not sure how you have the audacity to show your face here. You have been telling people to sell all the way through March and April when they should've been buying. I have made multiple 1.40p/1.60p/1.80p/1.95. buys in the time you were spitting bile and breathing the air that could've been better used by a productive member of the investing community. My sales today have ranged from 2.25 to 2.81p and I can still sell more of my holding profitably at 2.35 - 2.65 tomorrow if I choose. I am happy because I have once again adapted to the situation by topping up at the most critical points along the curve, and once again it seems, to your extreme chagrin, I have made a healthy profit from investing in Starvest. To date there has not been any point or substance to any of your previous vitriolic interjections but today's message fittingly must rank as the most inane. I do understand today must have really hurt: - evident in the speed of your arrival and petulant 'SELL' message - and been very humbling.The truth is whatever the nature of your gripe here you must try to move on and start the long hard road toward reintegrating yourself back into the investing community.

one4all 26 Apr 2016

Re: One for all and all for One so this gets back to the price it was 6 months ago and you are happy?? oh dear, nothing to see here

W8ANDC 26 Apr 2016

One for all and all for One The grim predictions we have seen here from some odd ones based on limited knowledge, and their own agendas, will seem a distant memory after today. I feel for the PI's who just a few weeks ago sold at 0.75p. Even if like me they caught the jump from 0.32p and 1.15 on Range Resources and Ariana Resources respectively they still wouldn't have got the same return as here.I didn't except my prediction of being in profit by April to be fulfilled - yeah go fish that one out 'one' - and thought it would take till June but very glad it has been. I have been a small seller this morning in order to get some profit on my 1.40 and 1.66 buys - and gain some free carry - but remain relatively heavily invested here. Looking at placing some £ back in Alba if I can get in at 0.27 - 0.29p entry point.'Taking the one for all and all for One' theme I am a little concerned the Starvest vehicle is a little overly dependent on Ariana and to a lesser extent Kefi. I think the next jump will need Alba and RRR and Greatland to start to get traction, and maybe RGM to put in appearance. That said Kefi and Ariana should allow sp to edge higher over 2016.

Sidevalve 07 Apr 2016

Re: £50k gambked in GGP Clearly gambling in GGP doesn't match your requirements, so what would you do in the BoD's position?

one4all 06 Apr 2016

£50k gambked in GGP thats funny Watkins and Baxter were until today directors fo GGP...absolutely no imaginationthis would be funny if it wasnt so sad

one4all 31 Mar 2016

Re: Discount to net asset value they sold 6.75mill shares in ALBA, assumming that they bought at .21 and sold at .38p that's around 10k profit, just enough to pay their wages. I dont think that this will cover their losses on every other dog stock they are in.. my own portfolio is more than this now and i administer it on my laptop on the kitchen table.. what admin fees??

OmarInvestor 23 Mar 2016

Re: Discount to net asset value On Friday, Starvest also made a partial disposal of its holding in Alba. The price was not disclosed, but on 31 Dec 15 the price was quoted at 0.21 and on Friday at 0.38, so there must also have been a substantial profit on the book value of the Alba holding. We don't know the reduction in value in the Nordic Energy holding, but it seems unlikely that it is large enough to offset the gains on Alba, Regency, Ariana, Kefi and Oracle.Omar

OmarInvestor 02 Mar 2016

Discount to net asset value Ariana, Oracle Coalfields and Regency Mines have all shown substantial increases in their market value since the end of December. Against this, the suspension of Nordic Energy must have knocked Starvest's net asset value. Since we don't have a detailed analysis of how the valuation is made up, it is rather guesswork. Still, four ups and one down would seem likely to make an overall up.Also, the market price of shares of companies with interests in gold mining does not seem to have risen to reflect the strong rise in the gold price in the last two months.The last trade was at 1.75p, a 78% discount to the 3.02p net asset valuation at 31 Dec.If I had any money, I would spend it on Starvest shares....Omar

OmarInvestor 22 Feb 2016

Re: nordic energy , picked by the master... All of us who invested in Starvest a few years ago failed to perceive the devastating fall in commodity prices which in turn wrecked the economics of being a junior mining exploration company.Omar

one4all 19 Feb 2016

Re: nordic energy , picked by the master... thats hilarious. Ariana bought in 2001 for 5p now 0.9p lost 90% of its value Oracle coal bought whilst a member of Plus Markets at equivalentyt of 8p now 2.25p lose of value of 70%Kefi bought for 6p now 0.3p a lose of value of 95%... I love a good laugh to take me into the weekend.I could list all 22 companies over the last 5 years not one is valued more than they were bought for.Now I have to give them credit: to be able to pick that many companies to invest in and to not have one that is profitable takes some serious incompetance. Some investment philosophy that

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