Surgical Innovations Group Forum

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16:06 22/04/2015

there was a guy from the far east sniffing around a year or so ago?? you never know

14:35 22/04/2015

last kicks of a dying fly!!

17:58 08/04/2015

why the rise?

12:12 09/02/2015

something going on today!!!!! buy

11:43 09/02/2015

worth a punt at these levels?

12:08 12/11/2014

interesting move up??

11:23 18/07/2014

heading on nicely to 6.5p target

15:35 11/07/2014

going back up to 15+p

12:58 26/06/2014

move up?

13:36 14/04/2014

disaster of results but all in the price
