Sse warning Morning @PrefInvestor1 the jump yesterday has left the share price hoovering just above my last purchase price, big ask but same increase today would be most welcomed, one can dream. Adyen is up and down more than…a yo yo, I’ve not jumped on the train yet must be a traders dream or nightmare that one. KIER offers a nice yield, looks like ex dividend date coming up shortly, is that the sole reason for the increase?
Sse warning Hi @kool _keith, nice 3.5% bounce fir SSE yesterday. My KIE was up over 5% as well. Bad day for US tech though, AMZN and AAPL down 3%+ and others similarly affected. £ surged up 0.7% yesterday, some ftse stocks won’t like that today. ADYEN at 589 down over 4% I see… Not looking like a great day today, IG has the Ftse down 0.49% right now, £ up a smidge more. Maybe it will perks up later… ATB Pref
Sse warning Ok they have warned and the exeptional weather has been a factor but remember last years Winter well guess what according to my intel we are going to get a lot more of those ( sunspot activity has collapsed) than the mild ones we got over used too. Also dont forget the government wants electric cars everywhere so demand seems oneway. I would let the storm settle as the companies valuation is not extreme and remember you bought it for the income so take the long view.
Sse warning Hi All, Well more stocks down than up in my portfolio again this morning (more Trump trade war threats to blame I suspect), but at least SSE is looking a bit more positive. Got as low as 1078 close to fridays close but is 1099.5 right now (08:15) and looks like it should regain 1100. Some other utilities doing better today as well CNA, UU & NG are positive as well right now. GLA Holders ! Pref
Sse warning Hi Again @kool_keith, Yes had to be really. Shame you didnt wait till Friday to top up at 1085ish, but you will already be thinking that I guess. My average (including dividends) is 1330 having bought in at 1385 before the 66p divi. So looking at a ~£600 loss ATM . No plans to average down myself. I now have three stocks on my “sick list†(more than 10% down) CRST, CSN, SSE & VOD. No long ago SAGA and KIE were there as well but they have recovered well, results due at three of those this week (russian roulette ?). Not sure exactly when MERGCO is due to be spun out or what it will do the share price and market cap of SSE. As I said in my last post Im not really keen on holding that and plan to sell pretty much as soon as it is listed. Regarding AIM stocks, yes I take your point - I am making a loss on CAML at the moment, but hoping for a strong upward move at some point. Fundamentals look good in the long term to me, going to be a lot of demand for Copper what with electric vehicles etc. China a major buyer, 7.5%+ yield - so enough positives to keep me interested. Been badly hit by the trade war situation though and the general commodity / mining stock selloff. Hoping it wont go much lower, going XD for about 5-6p early in October - if I do choose to top up Ill likely do it then. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Fingers crossed SSE will start moving higher soon !. ATB Pref
Sse warning @PrefInvestor1 you are correct my original purchase was 1531 (gulp) You will have already seen the below info, but the dividend is to drop to 80p for 19/20 then will rise with RPI until 2023. While I’m sat on a decent loss here, it’s one I’m comfy with. Good look if you venture into CAML never looked at them with them being AIM listed, I’ve been stung there but that’s mainly because I didn’t research the companies I invested in, lesson learnt and when it’s cost’s you it’s a lesson remembered. Hargreaves Lansdown – 25 May 18 SSE - a year of transition, and future dividend plans outlined SSE's final dividend is 66.3p, taking the full-year dividend to 94.7 pence per share, an increase of 3.7%. Statista UK RPI forecast 2017-2023 | Statista This statistic shows the RPI (Retail Price Index) inflation forecast in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2017 to 2023. Such inflation is expected to rise every other quarter throughout 2017 to a peak of 4.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2017.
Sse warning Hi Again @Kool_Keith, 1364p average so you are 280p a share down ATM. You must have bought when they were 1500 plus or something I guess. I personally doubt they will go bust (but what do I know !). However I confess that I’m not interested in holding MERGCO, I plan to sell that just as soon as I can. I have no particular plans to buy anything new right now. I am thinking about selling my US stuff at some point and buying some more of a set of dividend earning stocks and ITs that I already hold and which have been pretty badly beaten up in the falling markets. Things like AAIF, HFEL, JEMI. Also an AIM stock CAML which is a copper producer with a 7% dividend yield - price has been falling for a while but fundamentals look good. Might also buy a few LLPC as well for old times sake !, paying ~6% ATM. Not decided yet but am considering this as a plan. Will continue to hold the US stuff all the while it’s doing well, but if the £ starts appreciating then it might be time to leave and get some more dividends. ATB
Sse warning Hi @PrefInvestor1 I averaged down on Thursday to an average price of 1364.59 (not good I know) it’s now also a fairly decent holding but providing 1- they don’t go belly up 2-I don’t go belly up I’m happy enough to hang on in here and collect the dividends which as you know I also drip in but after the next payment which is next week I’ll be turning that option off and reinvesting future dividends elsewhere. Adyen is on my watch list and probably will always remain there, I’ll be tempted under 600 but sub 550 would definitely grab my attention. Anything new on your shopping list or just happy collecting all those lovely dividends and reinvesting in current holding as and when the time (seems) right? Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Sse warning Hi Again @kool_keith, Well we’ve lost 170p a share here in the last few days and will it head off towards 1000p I wonder ?. Yield now ~8.9% by my calculations so that might attract some income seekers ?. Will you average down here or buy ADYEN or both ?. Hmmmmmmmmmmm tricky decision seems to me. This investing game isnt easy is it ?. ATB Pref
Sse warning Hi All, I did a little spreadsheet to illustrate the effect of commission and spread when buying shares, see below:- image.png886x404 13 KB The “initial loss†figure is in pence per share. As you can see buying a small number of shares when paying full commission isnt a great idea (this goes for DRIP too IMHO where my broker charges 1% and may do the deal on a bad day from a pricing perspective). But if you could buy with zero commission then that problem completely goes away. Buying a share with a bigger spread increase your initial loss but this is irrespective of how many shares you buy. As you can see from the first table the loss per share for buying 500 shares is 6.64p, whereas for buying 5000 shares its 4.49p. Thats not too bad in my opinion, hence my typical £3,000-£3,500 entry point. ATB Pref
Sse warning Hi @Deepsleeves2, well I quite understand that if you buy in large quantities that stamp duty, spread and commission don’t affect you as much. I know some investors here who tend to invest £10,000-£15,000 a time for that reason. But personally I work with a figure of £3,000-£3,500 as my usual minimum buy. I find that this works just fine for me. That’s where I am with SSE and thank goodness !. Nowadays I have three sizes of holding:- Small £3,000-£4,000 Medium £5,000-£6,000 Large £8,000-£10,000 Size of holding reflects my general confidence in the stock. I get to Medium from adding to Small and Large from adding to Medium usually. ATB Pref
Sse warning You are right about dealing costs. In the early days I made much use of the £1.50 deals that brokers offer. That way I could by maybe buy half a dozen ETF’s for £20. It was easier when it was obvious we were in a long term bull market. You had much better chance of buying and the just seeing it go up in value. Now I try not to buy less than £2k, unless I’m buying an ETF where I might add as little as £250 but only with a £1.50 deal or trading credits. DL
Sse warning I would be if I was living in Canada, I might additionally be growing… It’s only got to a matter of time hasn’t it? I remember reading an article that suggested the market in London alone would be worth in excess of £1billion. Even better if we could use silver or bitcoin to pay for it. I believe some little country has done that this week, adopted a digital currency alongside the dollar as it recognised currency. And I don’t mean Venezuela. Post Brexit we might not only be the low tax, low reg. European country, but also the central destination for hen and stag parties. Lol
Sse warning Pref, I undestad your concept but is it not the case that the dealing costs, levy and spreads are prohibitive for such small investments. Deep
Sse warning DL I think you are smoking… Deep