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podgy1 30 Jul 2015

Wait until news filters through US$82 million that could in the future be distributed to shareholders of the Company through the payment of dividends.

dickie3times 31 Jan 2015

Serabi escapes Room 101.... Potentially a multi bagger... SRB has made me reconsider if this company should go into my list of 'scammers' that exist only to pay wages. A long time in the making, SRB won't be on the list....yet ?However, good news after many years could come at anytime? This tortoise COULD still deliver. No company would conceivably con so many investors for so long unless of course, they (the investors) can 'see' progress at the end of the tunnel...however, if they don't come up with better updates for much longer pi's will put this firmly into Room 101.This post from me to danpoe after he suggested that many companies exist 'just to pay wages' >Fri 23rd Jan22:18 ENEG.Ldanpoe.....Total failures, just a scam to collect their wages.~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~danpoe.....I've been saying that for years, yet i get ridiculed for suggesting such. You are the very first poster to say what i have 'known' for years. I had clear reservations that many 'tiddlers' on AIM are just there to raise cash, keeping the coffers topped up by endless placings and progress remaining at nil bar the odd "We are pleased to announce" Rns just to keep interest at a few that spring to mind...that have really been 'at it' for years, conning investors of their money with no real progress to becoming a cash generator from real earnings bar-placings..... NRG, VAL, HER, RRL, KRD. SOLG, MARL, MNC, WHE, SAR...etc. The list goes on but although some AIM stocks are genuinely progressing towards production or a t/o, we must all be aware of the many companies that issue 'great updates' yet have been issuing placings for years, diluting the shares. The worst of them..consolidate the shares. A very high% of consolidations is a signal to get out and is just another facet of fooling the already fooled? gla

dickie3times 31 Jan 2015

Re: Buy Gold will move up before oil does and THAT could make all the difference here. BUY and HOLD on imo.

BullSpread 28 Jan 2015

Re: Buy took some profits off the table 60% return in a couple of weeks. niceStill holding a position - gold holding up recent gains well. watching developments carefully though.GLB

city watcher 28 Jan 2015

THREE CHEERS!!! for SAO CHICO Always knew that North Brazil would exceed Serabi's expectations. '' Bring it On for there is Gold in them there Hills ''. Really looking forward to hearing further good news as the other veins are drilled.Assay result of 42 g/t over 3.6 metres from Mai...For immediate release 28 January 2015Serabi Gold plc("Serabi" or the "Company"Assay result of 42 g/t over 3.6 metres from Main Vein development at Sao ChicoSerabi Gold plc (AIM:SRB, TSX:SBI), the Brazilian focused gold mining and development company, is pleased to provide a further operational update on its wholly owned Sao Chico Gold operation in the Tapajos region of Para State, Northern Brazil. On 20 January 2015, the Company reported that underground development had just intersected the Main Vein, the principal identified structure at Sao Chico. The Company has now sampled the vein and received assay results from its in-house laboratory. The intersection has recorded an average true width of 3.6 metres with a gold grade of 42 g/t gold. The vein is sub-vertical. The orebody has been intersected and fully exposed by a four metre high and four metre wide gallery that has crossed the Main Vein perpendicular to its strike. This development lies on the 218 metre level, approximately 30 vertical metres below the portal entrance. The Main Vein will now be developed by 'on-lode' development where the vein is followed along strike, allowing regular sampling and consequently significantly enhancing the understanding of the ore-body. Deepening of the main ramp is continuing to the next level, planned at 178 metres, where the Main Vein will be intersected once again and similarly evaluated by 'on-lode' development. The Company plans to undertake over 750 metres of ramp development and 2,700 metres of ore development at Sao Chico during the course of 2015.Mike Hodgson CEO said"Obviously this is outstanding news. With a drilled resource of approaching one ounce per tonne, we expected high grades to be intersected, but most encouraging is the width we have encountered. We will now drive east and west following the Main Vein to fully evaluate its potential. "As was mentioned earlier this month, we have now intersected some eight veins in the cutback and the ramp, all of which lie outside the declared geological resource, and with the true width of the Main Vein in this intersection in excess of three metres, we continue to be very excited with what we are finding at Sao Chico. "With the ongoing development underway and the new drill programme set to begin early next month, I am looking forward to providing regular updates"A photograph of the intersection of the Main Vein can be accessed using the following link[link]

BullSpread 15 Jan 2015

Buy Gold price upQ4 update in a few weeksgood entry point

Trovador 18 Dec 2014

Video Clip of Gold Pour An excellent Christmas present !Trovador

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