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funchalman 01 Sep 2017

Investec comment re payouts mention in this weeks shares magazine for SPO.SPO may soon pay shareholders cash equal to nearly one third its current market value(29%),according to investment bank investec.It believes the payout could be upto 29p per share.Investec believes a positive outcome on its compound interest legal battle could be worth between 150m and 250m which equates to 81p and 135p per SPO share.DYOR

Van Zandt 27 Apr 2017

News? [link]

wisechoiceguy 14 Apr 2017

It's a good day when.... .....two of your holdings feature in an article about being undervalued. Mind you, it is coming from The Fools![link]

Van Zandt 24 Mar 2017

RIPOFF Surely this ……. kind of rip-off should be illegal? Last week some of the a… h…. were only able to offer in the tender a tiny percentage of their shares which were accepted in full while other poor bas’ were razored back, also surely it should have been a requirement to have to declare in the tender documents that they were to be given these shares virtually on the day the tender closed.Where were these ("PDMR" when we were putting our money in to keep the company off the rocks?I can think of many nouns, verbs and adjectives to elucidate and describe this form of pure directors van….mOn 24 March 2017, awards over ordinary shares of 50 pence each in Sportech PLC (the "Company" were made to certain Directors and other persons discharging managerial responsibilities ("PDMR" as follows.Name of Director/PDMR No. of Shares under the Award Structure of Award Ian Penrose 419,552 Nil Cost Option Mickey Kalifa 200,328 Nil Cost Option Andrew Gaughan 191,387 Nil Cost Option Luisa Wright 105,773 Nil Cost OptionAs always VZ

wisechoiceguy 13 Mar 2017

Re: To tender or not to tender? Hi Van ZandtI too am not sure about this one. What I do know is I can pretty much sell now for the price that is being offered, but with price targets out there of 123 to 140 and my personal target somewhere in between, I can't see any reason to offer or sell. Am I missing something? I'm also waiting to see the VAT compounding case outcome. Perhaps they are fairly positive hence the tender offer now before it gets more expensive.Anyone else have an opinion on the Tender Offer?CheersWCG

Van Zandt 13 Mar 2017

To tender or not to tender? Hi all, What is the timetable for the tender/buyback? I have not received the documents yet. Now as I currently understand it ‘no I am not a doubter, ME! But it would appear the ‘offer’ could be aimed at the small investor, with some 206M plus shares issued some 80% held by major holders. Total of substantial shareholdings 164,547,339 79.8% I also see that the directors are only offering a very small percentage of their holding, I find that odd. I also find a little ‘odd’ should I say the price/premium is very tight to none existent even allowing for no selling and tax costs A look at the current forecast 12 month price targets for Sportech plc have a median target of 131.50, with a high estimate of 140.00 and a low estimate of 123.00. Am I correct in understanding if I offer all my shares and the tender is over subscribed I may end-up getting rid of only a small percentage of my holding? As always kindness and advice awaited. Regards, Van Zandt.

wisechoiceguy 16 Feb 2017

Nice..... ...continuous rise since win on VAT and broker revision. I'll be holding, but watching carefully if we start getting anywhere near to 140 with a view to bailing before we get there, failing any further positive news that is.

wisechoiceguy 11 Dec 2016

Re: Ding-a-ling..... So Sportech finally wins the VAT fight with a potential doubling of the claim amount, Peel Hunt revises their recent 80p target to 140p and things look up following the last update. I shall continue to build my stake....which is finally in the black!

Confused_Relative 09 Dec 2016

VAT judgement So what's next for shareholders? A special Dividend?

wisechoiceguy 13 May 2016

Re: HMRC Holding thumbs they don't!

DonTrader 12 May 2016

HMRC Have until Friday 13th to decide whether to appeal. That's tomorrow.

wisechoiceguy 04 May 2016

Re: Ding-a-ling..... And the winner is..........Sportech.....again! I wonder how long they will hold the title for this time!!If they can then things are looking up, swung into profit and now 97m back on the books.Here's hopingWCG

utterlypointless 29 Apr 2016

Judgment To be given on Wednesday [link]

Van Zandt 18 Mar 2016

Re: Rise today? I think you should be very happy, the others don't know as much as you, for if they did they too would have bought @ 55.Good luck if you keep going like this you will be a genius in no time like our dear Leader Hem.........Regards,

evenlongershot 18 Mar 2016

Rise today? Big rise but no RNS. I'm happy as bought in at 55p but perhaps some people know something the rest of us don't.... They've got a pools deal maybe? Settled the VAT case advantageously? Whatever the reason, while the market is kept in the dark it seems some buyers are either very optimistic or they're in the know already.

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