Re: Woodford Invests! Offed 0.9849p @ 8.45am that's 10% cheaper then my buy on Wednesday .
Re: Woodford Invests! I just doubled up here today , @ 1.1pIt will go private and the big players are paying 2.822p per share. ( not sure of the warrants but usually at a higher price )I have patience and have held other small AIM shares for years . Time will tell if this was a mad idea.I'm thinking Wodford can not increase his holding as that's the reason for delist.
Re: Woodford Invests! And i thought i had some bad days . How much of his own money does he have in it ?
Re: Sphere medical research note Now we know where it's going - private to raise funds to address US market.
Sphere medical research note Does anyone have any views on where this share is going???Trinity Delta research (see link below) previously valued the company at £30.2 million (21.3p per share). After the current refinancing/ equity raising exercise, I am trying to calculate how their previous calculation might be adjusted.[link] thoughts or comments would be welcomed.
Re: Woodford Invests! ( B ) states they are owners of 29.24%
New TV Clip - CE Mark, Euro launch Morning. Short TV clip with Wolfgang, highlighting CE mark and European launch:[link]
in line interims "Sphere interim results are in line with expectations and we make only minor adjustments to our forecasts. More importantly receipt of the CE mark for Proxima 4 is thought to be imminent. Revenues to date are limited, though evaluations of Proxima 3 have increased 52% on H2 2015, and the number of patients connected is now around 150, most customers are more interested in Proxima 4. H2 2016 is set to be a transformational period, we expect receipt of the CE mark, followed by launch of Proxima 4 and the appointment of further distribution partners" - Panmure via Research Tree
TV Clip Morning. Please find below a short TV clip we did with Wolfgang on
New factory [link]
Re: Woodford Invests! Is there a placing coming ?Has woodford reduced ?
Re: Woodford Invests! 8% fall today.... topped to early here,
Re: Woodford Invests! Topped.
Re: Woodford Invests! Limit buy today @ 14 .if i had waited would of got your 13 mark. .. Deftly
Re: Woodford Invests! This has been on the watch-list for some time and there are sufficient ducks lined up for me to take the plunge: the product is available and deals are clearly in the offing, funding is in place for the time being, the share price has dropped to attractive levels, the board seems to be pretty competent, and institutional support is there. Key for me is that they look in a good position to generate sufficient sales and forward orders to make any further fundraising straightforward (though of course that's not a given). I'm looking for a rise over a 12-month period to the 45-50p level, though I am flexible about this, as a quicker-than-expected take up of Proxima 3 could generate a little bit more heat than that, or the rise may be gentler as orders can take time to firm up. If things remain cool, and the newsflow has any gremlins in it, I'll get out (if I can) around the 13 mark.