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Keith Emmerson 30 Nov 2015

Re: What's it worth? For what it is worth, US stockbroker Jeffries came up with a target price of 60p on Friday which is exactly in the middle of your 48-72p range.

whitehat 29 Nov 2015

What's it worth? So, after this deal does anyone have any idea what the overall value of the company is, and what the remainder is really worth?The share price didn't exactly explode on the news, less than 10% gain since, so it doesn't look that good at first glance. If it were only a small part of the company then the gain, averaged out over the entire share base, doesn't look too bad.I almost bought in here at 40p-ish and glad I didn't. But this obviously has a way to go so will get in if an opportunity opens.Any analysis appreciated.

Ambiorix1 27 Nov 2015

Remember this one... 28 May 2014Valeant shipped off rights to a handful of cosmetic products to Nestlé as the Swiss food group looks to expand into the dermatology space. In exchange for $1.4 billion in cash, Nestlé will grab North American rights for antiwrinkle treatments Restylane, Perlane, Emervel and Dysport. The company already claims the ex-North American rights to those treatments, thanks to its March move to take full ownership of Galderma, a dermatology venture with L'Oreal. As part of the Valeant deal, Nestlé will also gain worldwide rights to another aesthetic med, Sculptra. Galderma not only has a history of building strong businesses, but is firmly committed to the aesthetic dermatology. Galderma has already built a strong franchise with Restylane, Perlane, Dysport and Emervel outside North America and, with the addition of Sculptra, will now have the ability to bring their expertise to the U.S. and Canada. For Nestlé, the pickup is part of an attempt to diversify beyond its signature food products. While it isn't a huge deal, in combination with the $3.6 billion Galderma buyout, it's a signal that they are serious about expanding their business into the health sphere, analyst Jon Cox told the Financial Times. "I would expect to see more acquisitions from them as they move further into the medical and health spectrum," he said.(Reworked article from FiercePharma)Ambiorix.

5o waw 26 Nov 2015

Re: announcement Yes you are correct Ambiorix1 SPH will get picked up how long will it take though. I have got to say that the directors have done well with the off load deal IMHO.

Ambiorix1 26 Nov 2015

Re: announcement Positive reaction....The update heading says it all: ‘…creates a fast growth, high margin pure-play differentiated aesthetics company…’. Then one can assume with little doubt that SPH could be a nice fit for l’Oréal, Nestlé, Beiersdorf, Lauder and so on… Ambiorix.

Ambiorix1 26 Nov 2015

News !!! Didn't I say a few days ago : this is going to reactivate M&A activity...It's not what I expected yet but is goes in the right direction... making Sinclair more attractive.... a leaner range of high-margin products and above this, cash enough in the pockets...Ambiorix.

5o waw 26 Nov 2015

announcement A deal as been done but not the final one. They have money in the bank now and can go either two ways sell or develop, statement said their are companies still interested. SPH IMHO are now in a very strong position let us hope that the market agrees

chicogrande 23 Nov 2015

Re: Indirect good news today According to the Peel Hunt "week ahead" the results are due to be published Friday. Let's hope the "advanced talks" are wrapped up and an announcement is made then?

Ambiorix1 23 Nov 2015

Indirect good news today Phizer is taking over Botox maker Allergan (not yet confirmed but it probably will later today). We know Sinclair is selling something similar as Botox (and some pretend it could be working even better than Botox). Waiting to see how the market reacts on this important news. This is certainly going to reactivate the M&A activity.Ambiorix.

ukm 20 Nov 2015

Re: $500 USD Bid Does anybody have current views on this one. Thx.

bradders64 18 Sep 2015

$500 USD Bid Smart money is already in here. If the $500 bid is true ( and in some reports it says in excess of) that equates to a bid price of 65p a share ! . I think there is plenty more scope for SP increases and even if a bid doesn't come the company is moving towards profitability and the whole sector are looking for M&A's so it wont be long.

Red Ninja 17 Sep 2015

Re: View Nothing to do with Lupin bid rumour then [link]

jennster 17 Sep 2015

View Subject of MM manipulion I would suggest

jennster 06 Aug 2015

Re: RESULTS At the hal yearNet cash outflow in the period of £5.1 million resulted in a cash balance of £13.4 million at 31 December 2014. Gross borrowings stood at £57.6 million at 31 December 2014 meaning net debt was £44.2 million,Yesterdays trading statementSinclair ended the year with cash of £12.7 million and net debt of £42.2 million.So marking time and funding icreased sales with no detrimental cash flow seems good to me.However I agree that the re-org/strategy is taking awfully long.

Eaglehurst 06 Aug 2015

RESULTS Apart from the increased sales, the results announcement gives us little information. Sales are all very well, but they need to be profitable and generate cash. I guess we'll have to wait for the full results to learn more about these aspects but I'm mildly concerned at the continuing borrowing levels.As to the strategy for the future, I'm appalled that nothing further can be announced other than that they are taking advice on their options. This has been going on for months and must have cost the investment community almost as much in regulatory costs as their shareholdings are worth. One or two regulatory announcements each day for months on end is ridiculous - and, it seems to me, pointless. Management need to decide on a strategy and work toward maximising the return on that basis. Continuing to wander around like headless chickens cannot be good for returns. E

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