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piw 06 Dec 2019

Video: SOS H1 19 results presentation Video: SOS H1 full investor presentation, by Julie Lavington Co-CEO and Co-Founder Julie Lavington & Head of Finance, James Bowling. Increased investment in product, headcount and marketing. Sosandar (SOS) H1 results presentation November 2019 CO-CEO & Co-Founder Julie Lavington and Head of Finance, James Bowling present the company’s interim results to 30th September 2019.   Julie Lavington

piw 27 Nov 2019

Video: Sosandar H1 overview November 2019 #SOS Sosandar H1 overview by Jt CEO & Founder Julie Lavington and Head of Finance, James Bowling. Sosandar (SOS) H1 results November 2019 Sosandar's CEO & Founder Julie Lavington and Head of Finance, James Bowling, present the company's interim results to 30th September 2019. Introduction – 00:2 Record revenuses. 54% margin. Increasing product range. Investment in product & marketing

Clitheroekid 23 Sep 2019

AGM today I agree that it all sounds good, but these boards are effectively dead nowadays, so you’re unlikely to receive any other responses. It’s a shame, as before they changed the format the boards used to be well used, and there were some good posters, but the boards are so clunky to use that most people have given up on them, and I hardly ever even look for comments now. Although both sites have their share of idiots (`fill yer boots’ etc) there is at least some SOS discussion on both advfn and LSE.

dbatey22 23 Sep 2019

AGM today Any on here go along today? Given the positive SP reaction I assume the mood was very positive. So would be good to hear others thoughts. I hold a few. DB

Ripley94 03 Jul 2019

Junk Mail SOS … XXXX By 14 September 2018 it topped out @ 45p , since been failing back huge 22% fall today to 15.3p. AIM… not worth all the work it takes .

Ripley94 22 Jul 2018

Junk Mail SOS … XXXX Well in hinsight should of taken Turner Pope hint. SP … Cynical bear on the wrong side ( for now lol ) The three other big fans being right. It was 16.75p 16th May … 32.7p now, after just two months.

Ripley94 16 May 2018

Turner Pope . sent e-mail today. ( T.P )share prophets also biging it up on news feed.

Ripley94 04 Apr 2018

Re: Junk Mail Turner Pope sent a research note last week but "its not a buy recommendation "Cynical bear gave it a slagging on share prophets but it appears Paul Scot, TW, & NW are big fans.

Ripley94 24 Feb 2018

Re: Junk Mail Do not get all this name and sector changing , a short wile before being renamed Orogen Gold they were called Medavinci.Is it the same directors ?Mad as it appears i would of been better off by 35% taking winnys advise ( Going by the SOS chart ( but not sure if you can lo ) ) And bought Orogen instead of TERN in the Pimary Bid raise 12/08/2017.This only down 5%

Ripley94 24 Feb 2018

Re: Junk Mail This is the re-named Oregan gold ( ORE )Found it odd when they suddenly became a Gold miner and odd they seemed to have changed sector again .Has wiiny commented since 12 Aug 2017 ? he was a fan.

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